
I have the following config file:

    info: infotest
    info2: info2test
    info: infotest
    info2: info2test

So. Now i want to get one arena, and convert it to a arena object, i have a constructor there taking a Map. So i do following:

Arena a = new Arena((Map<String, Object>) getConfig().get("arenas.arena1"));

That is working. But: im getting the following warning in eclipse:

Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to Map<String,Object>

I undestand why this apperas. but how can i change the way getting the informations to avoid this, so to make a "safe" cast?

And my second question: Now i want to get all the sub Map 's from arenas."" and initialize them when the plugin loads. How can i get all of them? I cannot find something like arenas.getAll() or i dont know.. something like this.. anyone an idea?

Thank you.



For your first question, you can get the configuration section "arena1" and get all of the values as a Map without any warnings. To do this, use:


Alternatively, you can just put @SupressWarnings("unchecked") over the method where you're using that code. Since you know the type you're getting will be a Map, the warning doesn't really mean much, though some developers might consider this bad practice.

For your second question, you can use a similar method. getValues() is essentially a getAll() type of method, it gets a map of all of the keys and values in the section. So you could use:

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