
Is it possible in C# to explicitly convert a base class object array to one of it's derived class object array? I have class C derived from class A and I'm trying to convert the base class object array to the derived class object array but it returns returns a null value.

public interface I
   public string Name;
   public string Id;
public class A
        public string name;
        public string id;

public class B: A,I
    public string Name
       get { return name; }
       set{name= value;}

    public string Id
       get { return id; }
       set{id= value;}

 A[] baseClassList= GetValues();
 B[] derivedClassList= baseClassList as B[];---THIS IS RETURNING NULL

How can i solve this? Any help is appreciated.



You can create a B[] from baseClassList using Linq pretty easily but it won't be as simple as a cast.

B[] derivedClassList = baseClassList.OfType<B>().ToArray();

EDIT: Alternatively - if you want to convert the contents of the array I'd recommend a copy-constructor.

public B(A source)
    Name = source.name;
    Id = source.id;

Then you can convert like so:

B[] derivedClassList = baseClassList.Select(e => e is B ? (B)e : new B(e)).ToArray();


Why not just do this?

Assuming that your baseClassList collection of objects of A type are all really objects of B type underneath.

B[] derivedClassList = baseClassList.Cast<B>().ToArray();

THIS WILL NOT WORK IN THIS EXAMPLE (but I'm leaving the answer up anyway in case it is useful to others)

var newArray = Array.ConvertAll(array, item => (NewType)item);

(shamelessly stolen from C# Cast Entire Array?)

Easy as

string[] names = { "alpha"   , "bravo"  , "charlie" , "delta"    , "echo"   ,
                   "foxtrot" , "golf"   , "hotel"   , "india"    , "juliet" ,
                   "kilo"    , "lima"   , "mike"    , "november" , "oscar"  ,
                   "poppa"   , "quebec" , "romeo"   , "sierra"   , "tango"  ,
                   "uniform" , "victor" , "whisky"  , "x-ray"    , "yankee" ,
                   "zulu"    ,
                 } ;
A[] As = Enumerable
         .Select( x => new B{ Id = x.ToString() , Name=names[x] } )
B[] Bs = As.Cast<B>().ToArray() ;
I[] Is = As.Cast<I>().ToArray() ;

I doubt even if this is possible. However similar concept exists in Generics by the name of covariance and contravariance. Please see this link for details


Concept that you are trying to apply is an example of contravariance.

No, you can't convert it like that, unless the array you're trying to convert is actually B[] which was cast to A[] before.

A[] source = new A[10];
B[] target = (B[])source; // won't work;

A[] source = new B[10];   // B[] cast to A[], thanks to array covariance
B[] target = (B[])source; // will work fine

This is not possible in the sense of casting, because A is B is false. However, if you know it will work, nothing stops you from creating a conversion method and using it.

I did have to make a couple of changes (your original code doesn't compile), but this should steer you in a direction that will work.

public interface I {
  string AnotherProperty { get; }

public class A {
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public string Id { get; set; }

public class B : A, I {
  public string AnotherProperty { get; set; }

public static class BExtensions {
  public static B[] FromAArray(this A[] array) {
    var bList = new List<B>();
    foreach (var a in array) {
      bList.Add(new B() { Id = a.Id, Name = a.Name, AnotherProperty = String.Empty });
    return bList.ToArray();

class Program {

  static void Main(string[] args) {
    A[] baseClassList = { new A { Name = "Bob", Id = "1" }, new A { Name = "Smith", Id = "2"}};
    B[] derivedClassList = baseClassList.FromAArray();

Fast and efficient solution without using Linq:

///<summary>Create an array of a derived class from a list of a base class. Array elements may be null, if the cast was not possible.</summary>
public static D[] ToArray<T, D>( this IList<T> list ) where D : class {
    if ( !list.IsFilled() ) return null;
    var a = new D[ list.Count ];
    for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ ) {
        a[ i ] = list[ i ] as D;
    return a;

Usage sample:

return result.ToArray<Member, User>();
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