
Good day all.

I have this problem, I need to download a lot of images, I have the ppossibility to use wget to achieve this, but I got some problems.

first, I have try wget itself:

system('wget -q http://www.google.com/images/logo_sm.gif -O test2.gif');

ok, it works, I can do it ... So, I changed the parameters, putting the real URL and a subdirectory where to save:

system('wget -q -nH '.$row['foto'].' -O ./img/'.$row['modello'].'.jpg');

that is been parsed in:

wget -q -nH http://server.com/main.php?action=exec&task=show_image&task_arg=23456&m=not&ft=product_full_image_1&auth=d84a122342332ff2d1dssssff06d0199 -O ./img/0561142.jpg

this time I get a werid result, something like a thousands 11 bytes files called main.php?action=exec### have been created in the same directory of the script (note that ### is a 3 digit number ).

I understand that there is something wrong...maybe url parameters? maybe the subdirectory? what I'm messing? is system the god choiche? or maybe exec is better? or whatever?

thanks in advance.



Ampersand, and other characters, has special meaning in shell syntax. If you really can't use PHP's built-in cURL library you should at least escape the shell options before adding them to the command.

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