
Jquery newbie here. My jquery append does not seem to be working. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am using jquery version 1.8.3 and UI 1.9.2.

Below is my code.

        source: "http://localhost/myapp/items/search_item",
        minLength: 1,
        select: function(event, ui) {
            var $itemrow = $(this).closest('tr');
    }).data("autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
        return $( "<li></li>" )
        .data( "item.autocomplete", item )
        .append( "<a>" +  item.value + item.description + "</a>" )
        .appendTo( ul );

Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/Yw2Y7/1/ Try typing in the item box on the second row. The first row works.

The results get populated, and I get the drop down, but only value is shown. The item.description is not appended or it seems that the append section is completely ignored.

Your help is greatly appreciated.



source: projects,
minLength: 1,
select: function (event, ui) {
    var $itemrow = $(this).closest('tr');

each(function(){               //This is the line added.

$(this).data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {
return $("<li></li>")
    .data("item.autocomplete", item)
    .append("<a>" + item.value + " - " + item.description + "</a>")
} }           

DEMO http://jsfiddle.net/skhan/Yw2Y7/3/

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