
I have created a cascade.xml for detecting face images using the opencv_traincascade utility. I am using LBP or HOG feature based cascades since they are much faster. And I do all my testing on Matlab using vision.cascadeObjectDetector. But I am unsure if Matlab is capable of understanding and calculating LBP/ HOG features for a given cascade.xml file.

Is this the correct approach for testing a cascade detector? If not, what platform should I be using for testing?



Yes, vision.cascadeObjectDetector supports LBP and HOG, as well as Haar features, as of version R2013a.

Furthermore you can now train your detector using trainCascadeObjectDetector function, which is easier to use than opencv_traincascade. There is also a trainingImageLabeler app, which gives you a nice GUI to label objects of interest in your images.

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