
I am currently trying to understand how AT91 and a bare metal application can work together. I'll try to describe what I have:

  • IAR as development environment
  • A simple application which I can download via debugger to SRAM and which toggles some LEDs (working!)
  • Using SAM-BA I can write this application to SRAM and it will start correctly (LEDs are toggling)
  • My hardware platform is the ATSAMA5D3x-EK

Now I would like this application to first run the AT91 bootstrap to initialize all the low level hardware (like DDR-RAM), then jump to my application and run it. I have not been able to do that yet successfully. I am able to start the pre-built uboot binary though so I assume it's not the copying or jump that are failing but my application is setup incorrectly.

As far as I understand, if I jump to an application (I assume this is some sort of "LDR pc, appstart_address") the operation at address appstart_address gets executed.

Now, in ARM the first 7 bytes or so are reserved for abort/interrupt vectors, whereas the first instruction is usually some sort of "LDR pc, =main". Are these required if my application is copied to RAM and executed from there? I somehow have the feeling that after copying my application to RAM, the address pointers do not match anymore (although they should be relative - is that correct at all?)

So my questions basically boil down to:

  • What happens after AT91 has initialized the hardware and jumps to my application
  • Do I need to setup my application in some specific way? Do I need to tell the linker or any other component that it will be relocated to some other memory location (at91 bootstrap copies it to 0x2600 0000 whereas 0x2000 0000 is the start address of DDR).
  • Does anyone know of a good tutorial which explains exactely this step (the jump from at91 bootstrap to my application)?

One more question which I probably can answer myself:

  • Is it safe to assume that I will not need to execute the instructions in board_startup.s at the beginning of my application which enable The floating point unit, setup the sys stack pointer and so on. I would say that the hardware itself has already been setup by AT91 Bootstrap and therefore there is no need for such setup.

After thinking about a few things it comes down to this:

  • Does it make sense to tell the linker that it should link main to address 0x0 (because this is where bootstrap will jump to) - how would I do that?


Now, in ARM the first 7 bytes or so are reserved for abort/interrupt vectors, whereas the first instruction is usually some sort of "LDR pc, =main". Are these required if my application is copied to RAM and executed from there? I somehow have the feeling that after copying my application to RAM, the address pointers do not match anymore (although they should be relative - is that correct at all?)

The first 8 WORDS are exception entry points yes. Of which one is undefined so 7 real ones...

The reset vector does not want to go straight to main implying C code, you have not setup the stack or anything that you need to do to call C code. Also the reset vector is often close enough to use a branch b instead of a ldr pc, but since you only have one word/instruction to get out of the exception table then it either needs to be a branch or a ldr pc,something.

if your binary is position dependent then you build it for that position, you can then place it in non-volatile storage, copy and run if you like there is no problem with that. if you build it for its non-volatile address but you run it in a different address space and it is not position independent then you are right it simply wont work.

What happens after AT91 has initialized the hardware and jumps to my application

your application runs

Do I need to setup my application in some specific way? Do I need to tell the linker or any other component that it will be relocated to some other memory location (at91 bootstrap copies it to 0x2600 0000 whereas 0x2000 0000 is the start address of DDR).

either build it position independent or link it for the address where it will run.

Does anyone know of a good tutorial which explains exactely this step (the jump from at91 bootstrap to my application)?

I assume when you say at91 bootstrap (need to use a more correct term) you mean some part specific (at91 is a long lived family of devices) you really mean either some atmel part specific code or IAR part specific code. And the answer to your question is in their examples or documentation. You need to demonstrate what you found, examples, etc before posting a question like that.

Is it safe to assume that I will not need to execute the instructions in board_startup.s at the beginning of my application which enable The floating point unit, setup the sys stack pointer and so on. I would say that the hardware itself has already been setup by AT91 Bootstrap and therefore there is no need for such setup.

if you are relying on someone elses code to for example setup ddr, then it is probably a safe bet that they setup the stack. fpu, thats another story. But if that file name is specific to their project and is something they call/use then well, they called it or used it. Again this is specific to this magic AT91 Bootstrap thing which you have not demonstrated that you looked at or through or read about. Please, do some more research on the topic, show what you tried, etc. For example it should be quite trivial after this bootstrap code to read the registers that enable the fpu and or just use it and see what you see. that is an easy way to tell if it had been run. alternatively insert an infinite loop in that code and re-build if the code hangs at the infinite loop. they they are running it. (careful not to brick your board with such a move, in theory SAM-BA will let you re-load).

Does it make sense to tell the linker that it should link main to address 0x0 (because this is where bootstrap will jump to) - how would I do that?

The exception table for this processor is at a well known location (possibly one of two depending on strapping). the exception handlers need to be in the right place for the processor to boot properly. Generally it is the linker that does the final arranging of code and it is linker specific as to how you tell the linker where to put things so the answer is in the documentation for the linker and also either somewhere in the project it specifies this information (linker script, makefile, etc) or a default is used either global default or some variable or command line option tells one of the tools where to look for this information. so how you do it is read the docs and do what the docs say.

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