
I am currently developing my first JAX-RS based REST service and in order to access different databases based on the environment I am executing the service on, I added profiles to my pom.xml. Based on the currently chosen profile I am able to create a configuration file, that lets me establish the connection to the local database.

However, I also use this information to create a database and tables and load some test data into it using dbunit. The problem is, that the database is created and dropped for all profiles, but I just want to recreate the database for test profiles. If I use production or development profiles the database should just be altered if there have been structural changes to the database tables.

So my question is how I could execute plugin actions based on the currently chosen profile. Therefore please consider the example below. How to alter the executions so they are just executed if I set the profile test using maven clean install -P test?


    <!-- Specify the dependent jdbc driver -->

    <!-- Common configuration shared by all executions -->
        <!-- You can comment out username/password configurations and have maven 
            to look them up in your settings.xml using ${settingsKey} -->
        <!-- All executions are ignored if -Dmaven.test.skip=true -->

                <!-- need another database to drop the targeted one -->
                <sqlCommand>DROP DATABASE ${database.jdbc.dbName};</sqlCommand>
                <!-- ignore error when database is not available -->

                <!-- no transaction -->
                <sqlCommand>CREATE DATABASE ${database.jdbc.dbName};</sqlCommand>



As plugin is an element allowed in a Profile put your plugin inside the profile, and declare the executions you want in the appropriate profile.

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