
Suppose I have this data.frame:

df = data.frame(strain=c("I","I","R","R"),sex=c("M","F","M","F"),age=c("8d","8d","64d","64d"))

and a user supplied data.frame that defines how to order df. For example:

order.df = data.frame(column = c("age","sex","strain"),order = c("+","-","+"))

I would like to use arrange of plyr package to order df according to the order defined by order.df. If it wasn't user supplied I would just do:

arrange(df, age, desc(sex), strain)

So my question is how do I achieve that with order.df? or what ever data structure is appropriate to store the user supplied order definition so it can work with arrange.



Here are two approach that will probably make @hadley kill some kittens...

# make sure that order.df contain character not factors
r <- lapply(order.df, as.character)
# create a list of names refering the columns
rl <- lapply(r[['column']],function(x)list(column = as.name(x)))
# create the appropriate list of arguments
rexp <- unname(Map (f=function(order,column){
  cm <- force(column)
  if (order =='-'){rn <-substitute(desc(column),cm)} else {
  rn <- substitute(column,cm)}
}, order=r[['order']],column = rl))

do.call(arrange, c(alist(df=df),rexp))
#  strain sex age
#1      R   M 64d
#2      R   F 64d
#3      I   M  8d
#4      I   F  8d

#alternatively, use as.quoted...
fmts <- ifelse(r[['order']]=='-', 'desc(%s)','%s')
rexp2 <- lapply(unname(Map(fmt = fmts, f= sprintf,r[['column']])), 
                function(x) as.quoted(x)[[1]])

do.call(arrange, c(alist(df=df),rexp2))
#  strain sex age
#1      R   M 64d
#2      R   F 64d
#3      I   M  8d
#4      I   F  8d


I wouldn't recommend using arrange at all, since at heart it's a pretty simple wrapper around order(). Instead create your own wrapper:

my_order <- function(df, column, order) {
  stopifnot(length(column) == length(order))

  # extract columns from df
  keys <- df[column]

  # reverse order if needed
  desc <- order == "-"
  keys[desc] <- lapply(keys[desc], function(x) -xtfrm(x))

  ord <- do.call("order", as.list(keys))
  df[ord, , drop = FALSE]

df <- data.frame(
  strain = c("I","I","R","R"),
  sex = c("M","F","M","F"),
  age = c("8d","8d","64d","64d")

my_order(df, c("age", "sex", "strain"), c("+", "-", "+"))

I can't even begin to fathom how to do this in the plyr-verse, but this works in base R:

ordinp <- Map(
  function(x,y) do.call(x,list(y)),

with(df, df[do.call(order, ordinp),] )

#  strain sex age
#3      R   M 64d
#4      R   F 64d
#1      I   M  8d
#2      I   F  8d


arrange(df, age, desc(sex), strain)

#  strain sex age
#1      R   M 64d
#2      R   F 64d
#3      I   M  8d
#4      I   F  8d

Here is another option using data.table:

DT <- as.data.table(df)

# Create a new variable with the text to be evaluated
order.df$order_dt <- ifelse(
  order.df$order == "+", as.character(order.df$column), 

expr <- paste0("order(",paste0(order.df$order_dt, collapse = ","),")",collapse="")


#    strain sex age
# 1:      R   M 64d
# 2:      R   F 64d
# 3:      I   M  8d
# 4:      I   F  8d

### Another option. 
### This could handle more operations at the same time

EVAL = function(...)eval(parse(text=paste0(...)))
EVAL("DT[", expr, "]")

Same approach Using Plyr

arrange(df, age, desc(sex), strain)

order.df$order_dt <- ifelse(
  order.df$order == "+", as.character(order.df$column), 

expr <- paste0("arrange(df,",paste0(order.df$order_dt, collapse = ","),")",collapse="")

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