
Let's assume I have the following data:

test <- data.frame(letters=rep(c("A","B","C","D"),10), numbers=sample(1:50, 40, replace=TRUE))

I want to know how many numbers whose letter is A are not in B, how many numbers of B are not in C and so on.

I came up with a solution for this using base functions split and mapply:

s.test <-split(test, test$letters)
notIn <- mapply(function(x,y) sum(!s.test[[x]]$numbers %in% s.test[[y]]$numbers), x=names(s.test)[1:3], y=names(s.test)[2:4])

Which gives:

> notIn
A B C 
9 7 7 

But I would also like to do this with dplyr or data.table. Is it possible?



The bottleneck seems to be in split. When simulated on 200 groups and 150,000 observations each, split takes 50 seconds out of the total 54 seconds.

The split step can be made drastically faster using data.table as follows.

## test is a data.table here
s.test <- test[, list(list(.SD)), by=letters]$V1

Here's a benchmark on data of your dimensions using data.table + mapply:

## generate data
k = 200L
n = 150000L
test <- data.frame(letters=sample(paste0("id", 1:k), n*k, TRUE), 
                 numbers=sample(1e6, n*k, TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

require(data.table)   ## latest CRAN version is v1.9.2
setDT(test)           ## convert to data.table by reference (no copy)
    s.test <- test[, list(list(.SD)), by=letters]$V1 ## split
    setattr(s.test, 'names', unique(test$letters))   ## setnames
    notIn <- mapply(function(x,y) 
         sum(!s.test[[x]]$numbers %in% s.test[[y]]$numbers), 
              x=names(s.test)[1:199], y=names(s.test)[2:200])

##   user  system elapsed 
##  4.840   1.643   6.624 

That's about ~7.5x speedup on your biggest data dimensions. Would this be sufficient?


This seems to give about the same speedup as with data.table but only uses base R. Instead of splitting the data frame it splits the numbers column only (in line marked ##):

## generate data - from Arun's post
k = 200L
n = 150000L
test <- data.frame(letters=sample(paste0("id", 1:k), n*k, TRUE), 
                 numbers=sample(1e6, n*k, TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    s.numbers <- with(test, split(numbers, letters)) ##
    notIn <- mapply(function(x,y) 
         sum(!s.numbers[[x]] %in% s.numbers[[y]]), 
              x=names(s.numbers)[1:199], y=names(s.numbers)[2:200])
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