
I was look through some sample questions in a Microsoft certification exam. I came across this question which I answered wrong and cant understand why...


2. An employee at a reputable ISP tells Maxim that they use Windows Server and that he needs 
to understand the basics of Internet Information Services (IIS). Which of the following is NOT 
a role of IIS?
  a. to deliver HTML documents to web browsers
  b. to enable server-side scripting, such as ASP.NET
  c. to enable client-side scripting, such as JavaScript

This question is presented here on the 37th slide

To me, the awswer seems to be c since IIS has nothing to do with client side script other than send it to the client but the slide says the answer is b.

Can someone explain why its b?



The slide's answer is faulty, which is obvious from the explanation in Essential details on the same slide as the answer (#38):

IIS (Internet Information Services) is a part of Windows Server that delivers content such as web pages by using HTTP over the World Wide Web.

• IIS provides functionality essential for deploying ASP.NET web applications.
• IIS also supports other server-side scripting, such as PHP.

From this it is clear that the correct answer is indeed c and that this was an error in the Answers section.

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