
I guess I need to add some explanation, that I want to ask this question, because too short question doesn't quality standards... funny...

So, here is the question: How I can get the 'y' coordinate of the point on svg path at a specific 'x' coordinate?



Well this is not straightforward, because a path could have multiple points with the specified x coordinate.

There is no built-in function in the SVG DOM to do this. One solution is to step along the path segments and do the maths yourself.

Alternatively, there is a built in function on SVGPathElement called getPointAtLength(len). You pass in a length along the path and it will return the x,y coords at that point. You could step along the path length and work out where the x coordinate crosses your desired x. You can get the path length from the SVGPathElement.getTotalLength() function. It's a bit of a kludge and you have to be careful you don't miss points where the curve bends near your x. But it should work.

See here for more information on these functions.


I was working on a similar problem and Paul's answer really helped me.

Just to further illustrate @Paul LeBeau's answer, here is a little demo:

let path = document.getElementById("path");
let svg = document.getElementById("svg");

// The first important function getTotalLength
let totalLength = path.getTotalLength();
let intersections = 27;

for(var i = 0; i <= intersections; i ++){
  let distance = i * 1/intersections * totalLength;
  // The second important function getPointAtLength
  let point = path.getPointAtLength(distance);
  addCircleToSVG(point.x, point.y);
  addTextToSVG(point.x, point.y);

function addCircleToSVG(x, y){
  let circle = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",'circle');
  circle.setAttribute("cx", x);
  circle.setAttribute("cy", y);
  circle.setAttribute("r", "5");
  circle.setAttribute("fill", "#8888ff");

function addTextToSVG(x, y){
  let text = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",'text');
  text.setAttribute("x", x + 10);
  text.setAttribute("y", y);
  text.setAttribute("fill", "orange");
  text.innerHTML = Math.round(y);
  height: auto;
<svg id="svg" viewBox="0 0 1184.25 455.99">
  <path id="path" class="st0" d="M0.18,455.53c0,0,73-311,128-311s86,276,122,287s52-22,112-25s114,16,146,18s34,20,64,16s45-144,93-133
	s55-21,88-17s58,151,85,149s103-13,128-8s48-21,85-19c37,2,133,43,133,43" fill="#666666"/>

If you know all the points of your path, I believe a more performant solution than stepping through the path might be to search the d attribute of your path for the specific x coordinate you are looking for. Then capture the y coordinate using regexp. The regexp could be used like so:

const regex = new RegExp(`${x} ((\d*.\d*))`)
const match = regex.exec(d)
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