
I'm trying to read in a line of the file, print out parts of the line, and repeat the process for the next line of the file.

but it doesn't work properly, when I push the output to cmd line it becomes apparent that the while loop is never exitting.

I also tried the same process just using getline() instead, but I have the same problem, it just reads and re-reads the file infinitely.

Here is my code:

fstream scores;
string playerName;
string playerScore;
int i = 0;

while (scores >> playerName >> playerScore && i < 8) {
    int line = i * 40;
    int rank = i + 1;

    // testing
    cout << rank << " " << playerName << " " << playerScore << "\n";

    char plRank[1];
    sprintf(plRank, "%i", (rank));
    char plName[8];
    sprintf(plName, "%s", "Name");
    char plScore[8];
    sprintf(plScore, "%s", "score");

    DrawScreenString(GAX1 + 20, GAY1 + 120 + line, plRank, 0x505050, pBody);
    DrawScreenString(GAX1 + 320, GAY1 + 120 + line, plName, 0x505050, pBody);
    DrawScreenString(GAX1 + 570, GAY1 + 120 + line, plScore, 0x505050, pBody);

Here is an extract from the cmd line output.

1 Edward 100
2 Jodi 80
3 Tom 50
4 Emma 40
1 Edward 100
2 Jodi 80
3 Tom 50
4 Emma 40
1 Edward 100
2 Jodi 80
3 Tom 50
4 Emma 40
1 Edward 100
2 Jodi 80
3 Tom 50
4 Emma 40
1 Edward 100
2 Jodi 80
3 Tom 50
4 Emma 40
1 Edward 100
2 Jodi 80
3 Tom 50
4 Emma 40
1 Edward 100
2 Jodi 80
3 Tom 50
4 Emma 40

this is what the scores.txt file cotains

Edward 100
Jodi 80
Tom 50
Emma 40

Any suggestions of why it infinitely loops or fixes would be greatly appreciated!



I also tried the same process just using getline() instead, but I have the same problem, it just reads and re-reads the file infinitely.

You should have shown us the std::getline code which doesn't work. Using std::getline is certainly the preferred solution here. Did you, by any chance, use the member function instead of the free-standing function which works with std::string? sprintf and arrays are the wrong tools for this task.

Here's what you should do:

  1. Read whole lines with the free-standing std::getline function.
  2. Use std::getline's returned std::ifstream itself in the loop condition (it will work due to operator overloading).
  3. Tokenize each line after reading it. Did you consider what would happen in your program if a player has two first names? Shouldn't this at least result in a meaningful error message?
  4. Use std::string's c_str member function to safely pass strings to DrawScreenString.


std::string line;
while (std::getline(scores, line) && (i < 8))
    std::vector<std::string> const tokens = tokenize(line);
    // ...

    DrawScreenString(GAX1 + 20, GAY1 + 120 + line, tokens[0].c_str(), 0x505050, pBody);
    // and so on

The remaining interesting question is how to write the tokenize function:

std::vector<std::string> tokenize(std::string const &line)
    // ?

Perhaps Boost Tokenizer can help you. But you could also just use std::string's member functions like find and substr.

Just to give you an idea:

std::vector<std::string> tokenize(std::string const &line)
    std::vector<std::string> result;

    std::string::size_type const pos_first_space = line.find(" ");
    if (pos_first_space == std::string::npos)
        // error, no space found
    std::string const first_token = line.substr(0, pos_first_space);

    // ...

    return result;

The point is: separate reading a line from tokenizing a line.


This code should work quite well. You can easily modify it for your other purposes and/or use different means for output. I have also made slight modifications, note:

I recommend not using stream.open(), but rather a constructor as shown. The stream is closed implicitly, no need for stream.close()

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

// reads name, score entries from text file

int main()
    std::ifstream scores("scores.txt");
    std::string line {""};
    int lineNr {1};
    while(std::getline(scores, line))
        std::stringstream stream(line);
        std::string name;
        int score;
        if(stream >> name >> score)
            std::cout << lineNr << ' ' << name << ' ' << score << '\n';

            std::cerr << "Error: invalid score entry in line " << lineNr << ".\n";

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