
i´m using the highchart plungin for my new project i have just notice that in my data array, the date must have one month less because in javascript the month´s starts in 00 (not in 01). My array with the values are something like this (:

var usdeur = [
    [Date.UTC(2004, 3, 31), 0],
    [Date.UTC(2004, 4, 1), 0.134879956838416],
    [Date.UTC(2004, 4, 2), 0.471580293538753],
    [Date.UTC(2004, 4, 3), 0.473578515121543],
    [Date.UTC(2004, 4, 4), 0.474577625912938],

Any idea of how can i subtract one month for each date to make the chart work fine?

Thank you and sorry for my terrible english.



If you can change how it's generated, generate this instead

var usdeur = [
    [Date.UTC(2004, 3 - 1, 31), 0],
    [Date.UTC(2004, 4 - 1, 1), 0.134879956838416],
    [Date.UTC(2004, 4 - 1, 2), 0.471580293538753],
    [Date.UTC(2004, 4 - 1, 3), 0.473578515121543],
    [Date.UTC(2004, 4 - 1, 4), 0.474577625912938],

If you have no way of fixing the generated code, you may be able to put a custom Date.UTC function in before it's evaluated, and undo this after.

(function () {
    var utc = Date.UTC, slice = Array.prototype.slice;
    Date.UTC = function () { // method to take `1` based months
        var args = slice.apply(arguments);
        if (args.length > 2) // fix your months
            args[1] -= 1;
        return utc.apply(Date, args);
    Date.UTC.restore = function () { // method to undo changes
        Date.UTC = utc;
// eval your array
// ...
// restore original behaviour


In general you can subtract month with such expression:

var d = new Date.UTC(2004, 3, 31);
console.log(d); // Minus one month

With array you can do something like this:

for (var i = 0; i < usdeur.length; i++) {
    var date = usdeur[i][0];
    usdeur[i][0] = date;
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