Conditional Recursion Error in Scheme, returns a string when it expects a procedure


  •  29-06-2023
  •  | 


(define (toHexm h)    
(if (> h 15)
     ((= (modulo h 16) 1) ((string-append "1" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 2) ((string-append "2" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 3) ((string-append "3" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 4) ((string-append "4" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 5) ((string-append "5" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 6) ((string-append "6" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 7) ((string-append "7" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 8) ((string-append "8" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 9) ((string-append "9" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 10) ((string-append "A" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 11) ((string-append "B" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 12) ((string-append "C" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 13) ((string-append "D" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 14) ((string-append "E" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
     ((= (modulo h 16) 15) ((string-append "F" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))

     ((= h 1) "1")
     ((= h 2) "2")
     ((= h 3) "3")
     ((= h 4) "4")
     ((= h 5) "5")
     ((= h 6) "6")
     ((= h 7) "7")
     ((= h 8) "8")
     ((= h 9) "9")
     ((= h 10) "A")
     ((= h 11) "B")
     ((= h 12) "C")
     ((= h 13) "D")
     ((= h 14) "E")
     ((= h 15) "F")

(define (toHex h)
  (list->string (reverse (string->list (toHexm h))))

(define (main)
  (display(toHex 24))


Trying to take a base 10 and turn it into hex. This is giving me an error:

"procedure application: expected procedure, given: "81" (no arguments)"

This tells me nothing. I'm really new to scheme, so it could be an error in syntax, and this is as much as I know and can use for this problem. This code does work for the numbers under 15 so I assume it is related to the recursion in the numbers above 15. I appreciate any ideas or help you can give.



There are extra () surrounding the code after each condition in the first cond, those are causing the error being reported. In Lisp, a pair of () means function application, and they're not to be used as if they were {} in other programming languages. Also notice that you forgot to consider the case where the number is zero! Try this:

(define (toHexm h)
  (if (> h 15)
        ; missing case
        ((= (modulo h 16) 0) (string-append "0" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))) 
        ((= (modulo h 16) 1) (string-append "1" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 2) (string-append "2" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 3) (string-append "3" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 4) (string-append "4" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 5) (string-append "5" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 6) (string-append "6" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 7) (string-append "7" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 8) (string-append "8" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 9) (string-append "9" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 10) (string-append "A" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 11) (string-append "B" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 12) (string-append "C" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 13) (string-append "D" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 14) (string-append "E" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16)))))
        ((= (modulo h 16) 15) (string-append "F" (toHexm (floor(/ h 16))))))
        ; missing case
        ((= h 0)  "0")
        ((= h 1)  "1")
        ((= h 2)  "2")
        ((= h 3)  "3")
        ((= h 4)  "4")
        ((= h 5)  "5")
        ((= h 6)  "6")
        ((= h 7)  "7")
        ((= h 8)  "8")
        ((= h 9)  "9")
        ((= h 10) "A")
        ((= h 11) "B")
        ((= h 12) "C")
        ((= h 13) "D")
        ((= h 14) "E")
        ((= h 15) "F"))))

With a bit of fiddling the code can be further simplified, and we can get rid of the (list->string (reverse (string->list part - that's just a symptom that the recursion wasn't correctly formulated:

(define (toHexm h)
  (cond ((= h 0)  "0")
        ((= h 1)  "1")
        ((= h 2)  "2")
        ((= h 3)  "3")
        ((= h 4)  "4")
        ((= h 5)  "5")
        ((= h 6)  "6")
        ((= h 7)  "7")
        ((= h 8)  "8")
        ((= h 9)  "9")
        ((= h 10) "A")
        ((= h 11) "B")
        ((= h 12) "C")
        ((= h 13) "D")
        ((= h 14) "E")
        ((= h 15) "F")
        (else (error "invalid number: " h))))

(define (toHex h)
  (if (< h 16)
      (toHexm h)
      (string-append (toHex  (quotient  h 16))
                     (toHexm (remainder h 16)))))

Or as a tail-recursive procedure:

(define (toHex h)
  (let loop ((n h) (acc ""))
    (if (< n 16)
        (string-append (toHexm n) acc)
        (loop (quotient n 16)
              (string-append (toHexm (remainder n 16)) acc)))))

Either way it works as expected:

(toHex 4)
=> "4"
(toHex 10)
=> "A"
(toHex 15)
=> "F"
(toHex 24)
=> "18"
(toHex 32)
=> "20"
(toHex 250)
=> "FA"
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