
I have a column called "status" in PostgreSQL. First it used to be "status_id" of type integer. The values were kept on client, so there was no table on the server called statuses where I'd keep those statuses and then do inner join with the first table.

I used to send the ids of the statuses from the client (they had the names on the client). However, at some point I understood I'd better make the server hold those statuses. Not in a separate table but in the first one and I want to make them strings. So the initial table will have a status column of type string (varchar, to be more specific). I read it wouldn't be that slow.

In general, is it a good idea? I suppose it is because doing inner join (in case I'd keep statuses in the separate table) each time is expensive as well as sending ids from the client.

1) The only concern I have is that the column status should be of type char, not varchar. It should make it more effective I suppose. Is that so?

2) If the first case is correct then I'm not sure I'll be able to name all the statuses using exactly the same amount of characters, let's say, 5 characters. Some of them might be longer, some shorter. How can I solve this?


It's not denationalization because I'm talking about 1 single table. There is no and has never been the second table called Statuses with the fields (id, status_name).

What I'm trying to convey is that I could use char(n) for status_name and also add index on it. Then it should be fast enough. However, it might be or not possible to name all the statuses with the certain (n) amount of characters and that's the only concern.



I don't think so using char or varchar instead integer is good idea. It is hard to expect how much slower it will be than integer PK, but this design will be slower - impact will be more terrible when you will join larger tables. If you can, use ENUM types instead.


CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');

    name text,
    current_mood mood
INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Moe', 'happy');
SELECT * FROM person WHERE current_mood = 'happy';
 name | current_mood 
 Moe  | happy
(1 row)

PostgreSQL varchar and char types are very similar. Internal implementation is same - char can be (it is paradox) little bit slower due addition by spaces.


I'd go one step further. Never use the outdated data type char(n), unless you know you have to (for compatibility or some rare exotic reason). The type is utterly useless in a modern database. Padding strings with blank characters is nonsense, and if you have to do it, you can do it in a cheaper fashion with rpad() on data retrieval.

SELECT rpad('short', 10) AS char_10_string;

varchar is basically the same as text and allows a length specifier: varchar(n). I generally use just text. If I need to limit the length, I use a CHECK constraint. Here's one example, why.

Whenever you can use a simple integer (or enum) instead, that's a bit smaller and faster in every respect. Consider @Pavel's answer for enum.

As for:

because doing inner join (...) each time is expensive

Well, it carries a small cost, but it's generally cheaper than redundantly saving text representation of the status instead of a much cheaper integer in the main table. That kind of rumor is spread by people having problems understanding the concept of database normalization. The enum type is a compromise here - for relatively static sets of values.

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