
I have a window that I want to fill the entire screen so that the footer is always off of the screen. I accomplished this with min-height:

    min-height: calc(100% - 62px);

However, there are some cases in which that might be too small for a sidebar that I have created. The minimum height of the sidebar is 404px. How can I use both of these so that it uses the greater value? Can this be done with strict CSS or do I need JS?

This doesn't work:

    min-height: calc(100% - 62px);
    min-height: 404px;

It just ends up using the 404px value always.


Here's my JS/jQuery solution. The one problem I've found is that my browser's $(window).height() is returning a value that's like 400px greater than what it should be. Also, when resizing, it jumps back and forth between one value (+377px) and another (+787px) where the + means it's that much greater than it actually is. To fix this, I used the height of the <cnt> element itself, but this has the same jump back-and-forth size issue.


    if($("cnt").outerHeight() < 404)
        $("cnt").css("min-height", "404px");
        $("cnt").css("min-height", "calc(100% - 62px)");

    if($("cnt").height() < 404)
        $("cnt").css("min-height", "404px");
        $("cnt").css("min-height", "calc(100% - 62px)");



解決 2

If you don't mind using two divs, then perhaps you can do something like:

<div style="min-height:calc(100% - 62px);">
  <div style="min-height:404px;">
    content here


Generally speaking, it's better to have the "variable" one be height, and the "fixed" constraint be min- or max-height. In your case:

#cnt {
    height: calc(100% - 62px);
    min-height: 404px;

This will allow the height to vary based on the percentage, but will be constrained to the minimum 404 height.

It is not possible to do this only in CSS3. CSS offers the calc() function for math, but according to Mozilla only the basic math is allowed (+, -, *, /). The CSS3 specification says nothing about setting the same value twice, so it depends completely on the implementation what happens with

div {
   height: 10px;
   height: 20px;

Mostly the first value is simply ignored (when both values have the same "cascade level". For more information look here.

Old question, but since it's #1 result on google for this question, the current answer is in min/max() https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/min

So for a modal that I wanted to be 90% of the viewport up to a maximum of 1400px, I ended up with:

.modal-dialog {
    max-width: min(90vw, 1400px);
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