
I'm trying to get the json parser from scala.util.parsing.json to work in scala js and replaced all that could be the cause of the Uncaught java.lang.RuntimeException: unimplemented error. But so far without success. I cannot find out in chrome and firefox what has to be replaced to avoid the java.lang.RuntimeException: unimplemented error.



The parser combinator library is currently not included in Scala.js.

However, for Scala 2.11.0-M8, we have a fork of the scala-parser-combinators repo with a scalajs branch where we build it for Scala.js: https://github.com/sjrd/scala-parser-combinators/tree/scalajs

It's still at the proof of concept stage. When 2.11.0 final is out (which will be any week now), we'll update this repo and publish the artifact so that they can be used by user projects. Currently, you can use it if you clone the repo and publishLocal it yourself (and you use Scala 2.11.0-M8 in your Scala.js project).

Sorry for the inconvenience. It'll get better soon.

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