
This is easy at first glance, but I didn't know how to compute it when I started to work on it. The question is to calculate the odds ratio of pass comparing female with male in each school, and the data is constructed like this:

female = sample(c(0,1),size=20,replace=TRUE)
school = factor(sample(c(0:2),size=20,replace=TRUE),
            labels=c("A school","B school","C school"))
school = sort(school)
pass = sample(c(0,1),size=20,replace=TRUE)
data = data.frame(female,school,pass)

Thank you very much!



You can compute this using split-apply-combine, using the split function to break down your data by school, using lapply to run a function that computes the odds ratio, and using unlist to combine the results:

unlist(lapply(split(data, data$school), function(x) {
  (sum(x$female == 1 & x$pass == 1) / sum(x$female == 1)) /
  (sum(x$female == 0 & x$pass == 1) / sum(x$female == 0))
#  A school  B school  C school 
# 1.5000000 2.0000000 0.6666667 

What I've computed here is actually a risk ratio, since for your dataset the odds ratios are all either infinite or 0.


table and prop.table give what you want for each school. by will call the function on each school in the data frame. As a fan of package functional, I will use that to create the function:

> require(functional)
> by(data[c('female', 'pass')], data$school,
       Compose(table, Curry(prop.table, margin=1))
data$school: A school
female         0         1
     0 0.3333333 0.6666667
     1 0.0000000 1.0000000
data$school: B school
female   0   1
     0 0.5 0.5
     1 0.0 1.0
data$school: C school
female         0         1
     0 0.0000000 1.0000000
     1 0.3333333 0.6666667

Note that Compose(table, Curry(prop.table, margin=1)) is equivalent to function(x) prop.table(table(x), margin=1)

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