
I use 4.2.1 and the BoxSelect extension from BoxSelect

The examples there show a close icon in the tags:

enter image description here

In 4.2.1 I have this example code:

            name: 'tags',
            itemId: 'tags',
            xtype: 'boxselect',
            fieldLabel: "${cn.message(code: 'tags')}",
            forceSelection: false,
            createNewOnEnter: true,
            createNewOnBlur: true,
            store: 'States',
            queryMode: 'local',
            valueField: 'abbr',
            displayField: 'name',
            filterPickList: true, 
            pinList: false,
            growMax: 120,
            typeAhead: true,

This looks like this:

enter image description here

Is it because of version 4.2.1 that the close icon is not showing?
Or is there some setting I'm missing?

I tried classic, gray and neptune theme.


Solution given at missing close icon is working for me.
Thanks @DoubleDouble for pointing out the page.

Adding this to BoxSelect.css solves it:

.x-boxselect-item-close {
    width       : 11px;
    height      : 11px;
    background-image: url(http://cdn.sencha.io/ext-4.2.0-gpl/resources/ext-theme-classic/images/tab/tab-default-close.gif);
    filter      : progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=60);
    opacity     : 0.6;
    top     : 2px;
    right       : 2px;
.x-boxselect-list {

Looks like this now:

enter image description here



Boxselect was updated for ExtJS 4.1

Take a look at the Sencha forum post, I believe farther in (maybe start from the back) people post some other code to modify it to work better in 4.2


That being said, even with those changes I could not get BoxSelect to work the way I wanted to for my own project. Hope you have better luck than I did!


Page 18 seems to have your particular issue

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