
I'm currently trying to implement redirects using

public function store($username,$courseId)
        if (Auth::user()->username == $username && Auth::user()->courses()->where('id', '=', $courseId)->first() != null){
        $course = Course::find($courseId);
        $forum = new Forum();
        $forum->description = Input::get('description');
        $forum->course_id   = Input::get('course_id');
        return Redirect::to(route('users.courses.forums.index',Auth::user()->username,$course->id));
    return Redirect::to('/');

The parameters in Redirect aren't working. Store is a POST method in ForumController. The parameters that Store received are OK because I don't have problems with validation 'if'. I've could created a forum and save it, but when I try to redirect I have this error

Trying to get property of non-object

And users.courses.forums.index is the name of my URI with Action ForumController@index. This last method needs 2 parameters ($username,$courseid). Like this

public function index($username,$courseId)
        $course = Course::find($courseId);
        $forum = DB::table('forums')->where('course_id',$course->id)->get();
        return View::make('forums.index',compact('course','forum'));    


Why not use Redirect::route() directly and pass your variables as an array?

Something like this should work...

    return Redirect::route('users.courses.forums.index', 
                            array(Auth::user()->username, $course->id));


There two ways

1] you can use Redirect::route() like @msturdy answer


return Redirect::route('users.courses.forums.index',array(Auth::user()->username, $course->id));

2] you can also use Redirect::action()


return Redirect::action('ForumController@index',array(Auth::user()->username, $course->id));

Like lavarel Documentation for redirects

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