
I am relatively new to Haskell, but I am trying to learn both by reading and trying to solve problems on Project Euler. I am currently trying to implement a function that takes an infinite list of integers and returns the ordered list of pairwise sums of elements in said list. I am really looking for solutions to the specific issue I am facing, rather than advice on different strategies or approaches, but those are welcome as well, as being a coder doesn't mean knowing how to implement a strategy, but also choosing the best strategy available.

My approach relies on traversing an infinite list of infinite generators and retrieving elements in order, with several mathematical properties that are useful in implementing my solution.

If I were trying to obtain the sequence of pairwise sums of the natural numbers, for example, this would be my code:

myList :: [Integer]
myList = [1..]

myGens :: [[Integer]]
myGens = gens myList
        gens = \xs -> map (\x -> [x+y|y<-(dropWhile (<x) xs)]) xs

Regardless of the number set used, provided that it is sorted, the following conditions hold:

  • ∀ i ≥ 0, head (gens xs !! i) == 2*(myList !! i)
  • ∀ i,j,k ≥ 0, l > 0, (((gens xs) !! i) !! j) < (((gens xs) !! i+k) !! j+l)

Special cases for the second condition are:

  • ∀ i,j ≥ 0, (((gens xs) !! i) !! j) < (((gens xs) !! i+1) !! j)
  • ∀ i,j ≥ 0, k > 0, (((gens xs) !! i) !! j) < (((gens xs) !! i+k) !! j)

Here is the particular code I am trying to modify:

stride :: [Integer] -> [Int] -> [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
stride xs cs xss = x : stride xs counts streams
            (x,i) = step xs cs xss
            counts = inc i cs
            streams = chop i xss

step :: [Integer] -> [Int] -> [[Integer]] -> (Integer,Int)
step xs cs xss = pace xs (defer cs xss)

pace :: [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)] -> (Integer,Int)
pace hs xs@((x,i):xt) = minim (x,i) hs xt
        minim :: (Integer,Int) -> [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)] -> (Integer,Int)
        minim m _ [] = m
        minim m@(g,i) hs (y@(h,n):ynt) | g > h && 2*(hs !! n) > h = y
                                       | g > h = minim y hs ynt
                                       | 2*(hs !! n) > g = m
                                       | otherwise = minim m hs ynt

defer :: [Int] -> [[a]] -> [(a,Int)]
defer cs xss = (infer (zip cs (zip (map head xss) [0..])))

infer :: [(Int,(a,Int))] -> [(a,Int)]
infer [] = []
infer ((c,xi):xis) | c == 0 = xi:[]
                   | otherwise = xi:(infer (dropWhile (\(p,(q,r)) -> p>=c) xis))

The set in question I am using has the property that multiple distinct pairs produce an identical sum. I want an efficient method of handling all duplicate elements at once, in order to avoid an increased cost of computing all the pairwise sums up to N, as it requires M more tests if M is the number of duplicates.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


I made some changes to the code, independently of what was suggested, and would appreciate feedback on the relative efficiencies of my original code, my revised code, and the proposals so far.

stride :: [Integer] -> [Int] -> [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
stride xs cs xss = x : stride xs counts streams
    (x,is) = step xs cs xss
    counts = foldr (\i -> inc i) cs is
    streams = foldr (\i -> chop i) xss is

step :: [Integer] -> [Int] -> [[Integer]] -> (Integer,[Int])
step xs cs xss = pace xs (defer cs xss)

pace :: [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)] -> (Integer,[Int])
pace hs xs@((x,i):xt) = minim (x,(i:[])) hs xt
    minim :: (Integer,[Int]) -> [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)] -> (Integer,[Int])
    minim m _ [] = m
    minim m@(g,is@(i:_)) hs (y@(h,n):ynt) | g > h && 2*(hs !! n) > h = (h,[n])
                              | g > h = minim (h,[n]) hs ynt
                              | g == h && 2*(hs !! n) > h = (g,n:is)
                          | g == h = minim (g,n:is) hs ynt
                          | g < h && 2*(hs !! n) > g = m
                          | g < h = minim m hs ynt

Also, I left out the code for inc and chop:

alter :: (a->a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
alter = \f -> \n -> \xs -> (take (n) xs) ++ [f (xs !! n)] ++ (drop (n+1) xs)

inc :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
inc = alter (1+)

chop :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
chop = alter (tail)


I'm going to present a solution that uses an infinite pairing heap. We'll have logarithmic overhead per element constructed, but no one knows how to do better (in a model with comparison-based methods and real numbers).

The first bit of code is just the standard pairing heap.

module Queue where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

data Queue k = E
             | T k [Queue k]
             deriving Show

fromOrderedList :: (Ord k) => [k] -> Queue k
fromOrderedList [] = E
fromOrderedList [k] = T k []
fromOrderedList (k1 : ks'@(k2 : _ks''))
  | k1 <= k2 = T k1 [fromOrderedList ks']

mergePairs :: (Ord k) => [Queue k] -> Queue k
mergePairs [] = E
mergePairs [q] = q
mergePairs (q1 : q2 : qs'') = merge (merge q1 q2) (mergePairs qs'')

merge :: (Ord k) => Queue k -> Queue k -> Queue k
merge (E) q2 = q2
merge q1 (E) = q1
merge q1@(T k1 q1's) q2@(T k2 q2's)
  = if k1 <= k2 then T k1 (q2 : q1's) else T k2 (q1 : q2's)

deleteMin :: (Ord k) => Queue k -> Maybe (k, Queue k)
deleteMin (E) = Nothing
deleteMin (T k q's) = Just (k, mergePairs q's)

toOrderedList :: (Ord k) => Queue k -> [k]
toOrderedList q
  = fromMaybe [] $
      do (k, q') <- deleteMin q
         return (k : toOrderedList q')

Note that fromOrderedList accepts infinite lists. I think that this can be justified theoretically by pretending as though the infinite list of descendants effectively are merged "just in time". This feels like the kind of thing that should be in the literature on purely functional data structures already, but I'm going to be lazy and not look right now.

The function mergeOrderedByMin takes this one step further and merges a potentially infinite list of queues, where the min element in each queue is nondecreasing. I don't think that we can reuse merge, since merge appears to be insufficiently lazy.

mergeOrderedByMin :: (Ord k) => [Queue k] -> Queue k
mergeOrderedByMin [] = E
mergeOrderedByMin (E : qs') = mergeOrderedByMin qs'
mergeOrderedByMin (T k q's : qs')
  = T k (mergeOrderedByMin qs' : q's)

The next function removes duplicates from a sorted list. It's in the library that m09 suggested, but for the sake of completeness, I'll define it here.

nubOrderedList :: (Ord k) => [k] -> [k]
nubOrderedList [] = []
nubOrderedList [k] = [k]
nubOrderedList (k1 : ks'@(k2 : _ks''))
  | k1 < k2 = k1 : nubOrderedList ks'
  | k1 == k2 = nubOrderedList ks'

Finally, we put it all together. I'll use the squares as an example.

squares :: [Integer]
squares = map (^ 2) [0 ..]

sumsOfTwoSquares :: [Integer]
  = nubOrderedList $ toOrderedList $
        [fromOrderedList (map (s +) squares) | s <- squares]


If you don't want to modify your code that much, you can use the nub function of Data.List.Ordered (installable by cabal install data-ordlist) to filter duplicates out.

It runs in linear time, ie complexity wise your algorithm won't change.

for your example [1..] the result is just [2..]. A "very smart compiler" could deduce this from the general solution with implicit heap, that follows.

gens xs is better expressed as

gens xs = map (\t@(x:_) -> map (x+) t) $ tails xs   -- or should it be
     --   map (\(x:ys) -> map (x+) ys) $ tails xs   --                ?

Its resulting list of lists is easily merged without duplicates by tree-like folding1 (pictured here), with

pairsums xs = foldi (\(x:l) r-> x : union l r) $ gens xs

This assumes the input list is ordered in increasing order. If it's merely in non-decreasing order (with only finite runs of equals in it, of course), you'll need to slap an orderedNub on top of that (as m09 mentions),

pairsums' = orderedNub . pairsums

Just by using foldi where foldr would work, we often get an algorithmic improvement in complexity from a factor of n to log n, a pretty significant speedup. I use it as a general tool all the time.

1The code, adjusted for infinite lists only:

foldi f (x:xs)  = f x (foldi f (pairs f xs))
pairs f (x:y:t) = f x y : pairs f t
union (x:xs) (y:ys) = case compare x y of           
                          LT -> x : union  xs (y:ys) 
                          EQ -> x : union  xs    ys  
                          GT -> y : union (x:xs) ys  

See also:

I propose to build the pairs above the diagonal, that way a lot of duplicates are not even generated:

sums xs = zipWith (map . (+)) hs ts where
  (hs:ts) = tails xs

Now you have a list of lists, each containing sorted sums. Because they are sorted, it is possible to determine the next element of the sequence in a finite number of steps:

filtermerge :: (Ord a) => [[a]]->[a]
filtermerge ((h:t):ts) = h : filtermerge (insert t ts) where
  insert [] ts = ts
  insert xs [] = [xs]   
  insert h ([]:t) = insert h t
  insert (h:t) ts@((h1:t1):t2)
    | h < h1  = (h:t):ts
    | h == h1 = insert (h:t) $ insert t1 t2
    | otherwise = insert (h1:t1) $ insert (h:t) t2
filtermerge _ = []
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