
I am trying to add a GeoJSON layer to Google Maps (v3) by doing the following:

imageActive = {
    url: "images/target_red.png",
    origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0),
    anchor: new google.maps.Point(11, 11),
} // ACTIVE marker image

jQuery.getJSON('home/gcpts/geojson.php', function(data){
    points = map.data.addGeoJson(data);
    console.log(points); //this works

  clickable: true,
  draggable: false,

map.data.addListener('click', function(event){

function setActiveImage(event){
  for(var i = 0;i<points.length;i++){ //can't read "length" of undefined
  map.data.overrideStyle(event.feature, {
    icon: imageActive,

However when I try to iterate through the "points" variable, I can't seem to "see" it. I mainly get undefined, or if I try to call the length of points (points.length), then it doesn't exist.

If I console.log(points) within the jQuery function, then I can see all of the features within the variable. If I place it on the outside, then I can't see it. Is there something I am missing about the scope?

It's my hope that I can set a "click" event and use event.feature to overrideStyle. Then when a different feature is clicked, then the style is removed from the other geoJson features and overrides the newly clicked feature.

It seems that this should work fine, but I can't seem to figure out how to iterate through the features.


(Also, I am using jQuery in "No conflict" mode...)



All of your variables are globally scoped because you aren't using the var keyword. It seems likely that some other script is looking for a points variable and overwrites yours. Assuming your code is already wrapped up in some kind of function (such as a jQuery ready handler), you may solve your problem by just using var. I'd add this line of code before you call getJSON():

var points = [];


The previous answer noted you need to ensure your "points" variable is scoped appropriately, but a better answer is that you don't need that variable at all: Since you are using map.data you can just use that directly to access your features, using something like:

map.data.foreEch(function(feature) {console.log(feature);})

Note of course your "map" variable must be appropriately scoped.

Additionally, you also don't need to use jQuery -- you can just load the data using map.data.loadGeoJson(theUrl) which will do the ajax for you

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