
I have a cron job for

*/5 * * * * wget --post-data="pass=1123&Type=111" http://test.biz/index.php/game_line

which triggered by myaccount

and I have saw a lot of files for empty content locate in my home directory game_line.1 game_line.100 game_line.1000 ....

what are these for? and How can I turn off this files be generated?

thanks for your time.



Those files are what you downloaded using that wget command. wget queries a url and saves the response as a file. You asked it to. If, as typical for usage within a cron job, you are not interested in the response you must tell the system to ignore the response, to throw it away:

*/5 * * * * wget --post-data="pass=1123&Type=111" http://test.biz/index.php/game_line 2>&1 1>/dev/null
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