The Requested Resources was not found or you do not have sufficient permissions to view it


  •  16-07-2023
  •  | 


Dynamics crm when retrieving value and updating it into another entity it showing like The Requested Resources was not found or you do not have sufficient permissions to view it

i specified update ids like enobj.Id=(Guid)context.OutputParameters["id"]; message:create service :update on another entity The Requested resources not available

this is my code:

Query Expression query = new Query Expression();
query.EntityName = en.LogicalName;
query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("new_amount");
var x = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
Entity enobj = new Entity("new_product"); 
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in x.Entities)
    i = i + (int)item.Attributes["new_amount"];
    enobj.Attributes["new_grandtotal"] = i;


// en.Id = enobj.Id;
enobj.Id = en.Id;

message:create service :update

i have two entites product and productlineitems

in productlineitems iam creating a record with the field amount 50 after creating that value.iam updating on product entity. again i create productlineitem 2 with the value some 90.iam adding 50+90 =140 again lineitem 3 with the value. iam taking that on product entity

message:create --- productlineitems service :update --- product enter image description here



I think you are trying to update Product with Product Line Id. Try the following:


enobj.Id = en.Id;


// set the field name (key) based on what you got in system
enobj.Id = (Guid)en["new_productid"];

Also, Calling Context is set to Current user. So make sure that user have permissions to update Product.

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