
I would like to develop a game for the Windows Phone 8.1 platform but I cannot find the project type for game development in VS 2013.

I downloaded the Windows Phone 8.1 development tools from http://dev.windowsphone.com/en-us/downloadsdk. The New Project window in VS 2013 presents three project types for Store Apps ( Universal Apps, Windows Apps and Window Phone Apps ). None of the templates in each store apps is explicitly saying that it is for game development.

I watched a couple of videos and most are out-of-date and use VS 2010 or VS 2012 with XNA. There are some tutorials to install XNA in VS 2013 but I do not want to do this as it seems that XNA is dead. I would like to use the current tools available for VS 2013.

What tools and project templates is Microsoft providing for WP game development in VS 2013?



XNA Game Studio does not support Visual Studio 2013.


You should have the option under Visual C# - > XNA Game Studio 4.0

enter image description here

You can get the full explanation on how to create your first Windows Phone 8 game with XNA in the msdn.

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