
I have a json object, can I save it as a file on my desktop if yes how to do that and how to read that file back. I am working in javascript and html only.

var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
data = JSON.stringify(canvas)

My canvas is of fabric js if that helps understanding the problem. I'm just trying to save the canvas as json object and then want to download it as a file so it retains its functionality.


jsfiddle, currently its working for online save and load on 2 different canvas I want to download and load from computer.



You can make use of the download attribute of the anchor tag(I don't know how well supported it is) and the html5 file api.

<a href = "#" id = "save" download="data.json">Save Canvas 1</a>
Load Canvas<input type="file" id="load" />
$( "#save" ).click(function( event ) {
    this.href = 'data:plain/text,' + JSON.stringify(canvas1)
$( "#load" ).change(function( event ) {
    var fr = new FileReader();
    fr.onload = function(){
        canvas2.loadFromJSON(this.result, canvas2.renderAll.bind(canvas2));


Here is a version or new IE (IE11 at least)

$( "#save" ).click(function( event ) {
    var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(canvas1)],{type:'application/json'});
    navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, 'data.json');




Update your save function to use this snippet to save the file to desktop:


  • And then you would just need a form and server to upload to so that you can process a person's file they upload to a temporary location on the server, to load into your function that you already have made.
  • What is available to you for server-side programming languages? Just Google how to upload a file in that language
  • You can get contents of that file once it's uploaded via XHR request using jQuery ajax or vanilla JavaScript
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