How to download sbt plugin depdendency without SBT version in the dependency URL?


  •  20-07-2023
  •  | 


I'm trying to use an sbt plugin that I've published in my private mavenrepository

The plugin is configured as following :

    val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++
                      Seq (organization  := buildOrganization,
                           scalaVersion  := buildScalaVersion,
                           version       := buildVersion,
                           publishMavenStyle := true,
                           pomIncludeRepository := { _ => true },
                           scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-encoding", "utf8"),
                           publishTo     := Some("External" at ""),
                           credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials")

With "sbt publish", the plugin is deployed here :

Then I use my plugin from another SBT app. In my plugins.sbt, I add :

addSbtPlugin("templemore" %% "sbt-cucumber-plugin" % "0.8.0")

But it fails because SBT (or Ivy) is looking at an URL with teh SBT version of the plugin (0.13) inside :


1) How can I prevent SBT to add its version in the dependency URL?

2) Or, if 1 is not possible, how can I set my SBT plugin configuration to deploy the artifact to archiva with the right URL pattern?

Thanks :)



Based on your comment, you have to publish it with sbt-cucumber-plugin/publish, which will execute publish in a sub-project sbt-cucumber-plugin of the parent project.

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