
So I'm seriously deficient in the Javascript department. I'm writing text to a div by but I'd like this to be a link. The text displays correctly, I'd just like to 'wrap' with a href tags?

** HTML Markup **

    <td>Release Notes</td>
    <td colspan="3"><span style="color: blue;" id="releaseNotes"></span></td>                   

** Part of a function **

$("#releaseNotes").text(('https://buildinfopage.local/app+' + (buildInformation.earVersion.substring(0, buildInformation.earVersion.indexOf('-')))));


You can use .html()


var href = 'https://buildinfopage.local/app+' + (buildInformation.earVersion.substring(0, buildInformation.earVersion.indexOf('-')));

$("#releaseNotes").html(('<a href="'+href+'">'+href+'</a>'));


If your div already contains some inner elements, then you would append an a element to it:

var href, link;
href = 'https://buildinfopage.local/app+' + buildInformation.earVersion.substring(0, buildInformation.earVersion.indexOf('-'));
link = $("<a href='" + href + "'>" + href + "</a>");
$("#releaseNotes").html("<a href='https://buildinfopage.local/app+" +  (buildInformation.earVersion.substring(0, buildInformation.earVersion.indexOf('-'))) + "'>Build info</a>");

The .html() method will let you replace arbitrary html to your element

You Should use html() or append() based on your requirement

var href = "https://www.google.co.in";
var tag = '<a href="'+href+'" target = "_blank">'+href+'</a><br/>';

JSFIDDLE http://jsfiddle.net/hiteshbhilai2010/h86N9/20/

var href = 'https://buildinfopage.local/app+' + (buildInformation.earVersion.substring(0, buildInformation.earVersion.indexOf('-')));

$("#releaseNotes").html('<a href="' + href + '" >' + href + '</a>');

Just need to wrap the text in a link tag. I extracted the href as a variable as we are usingit both as a link and as text

In span tag, there is no text attribute, so in javascript you can use .html attribute.

   $("#releaseNotes").html(('https://buildinfopage.local/app+' + (buildInformation.earVersion.substring(0, buildInformation.earVersion.indexOf('-')))));
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