
I am trying to make a fade in animation everytime the model of the gridview changes. I am trying to make use of the example mention in the link:


But i'm trying to do it on the attached signal onAdd.

Is it possible or is there a workaround i can use??

Below is my code

            height: 100
            width: 100
                left: parent.left; top: parent.top;
            cellWidth: 20;
            keyNavigationWraps :true
            delegate: Image{
                height: productGView.cellHeight
                width: productGView.cellWidth
                GridView.onAdd: SequentialAnimation {
                    PropertyAction { target: gridDel; property: "GridView.delayRemove"; value: true }
                    NumberAnimation { target: gridDel; property: "scale"; to: 0; duration: 250; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
                    PropertyAction { target: gridDel; property: "GridView.delayRemove"; value: false }
                GridView.onRemove: {
                    core.log("Del | onRemove | index = "+index)

                Component.onCompleted: {
                    core.log("Del | onCompleted | index = "+index)
            snapMode: GridView.SnapToRow
            boundsBehavior: Flickable.DragOverBounds

Thanks in advance



When adding an item to the view, it does not need to be guarded against removal, so you can simplify the GridView.onAdd handler by removing both PropertyActions, and then also the SequentialAnimation becomes unnecessary.

In your code, the NumberAnimation animates the scale to 0, making the individual delegates infinitely small as a result. Try this:

delegate: Image {
   scale: 0 /* When a delegate is created, scale is initially zero */
   GridView.onAdd: NumberAnimation { 
          target: gridDel
          property: "scale"
          to: 1  /* When the delegate is added to the view, */
                 /* the scale will be animated to 1 */
          duration: 250
          easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
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