
I have an iframe where users can play/stop audio (using web audio api). But how can I stop audio if I hide that iframe? (e.g., by setting the CSS property containerDiv.css('display', 'none')). I've tried to clear the parent div with containerDiv.html(''), but audio inside iframe still keeps playing.



You can use the postMessage API to communicate with the iframe. This would allow you to send a message to the iframe telling it to stop the audio.

A script in the parent window:

// Assuming the origin of your iframe is http://example.org
function hideTetrisIframe(){
  var iframe = document.getElementById('tetris');
  iframe.style.display = 'none';
  iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('stop', 'http://example.org'); 

A script inside the iframe:

window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
  if (event.data === 'stop') {
    // Stop audio that's playing
}, false);
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