
attemping to run a jQuery statement with in Joomla 3.2 and getting an undefined property which references the _basepath line

within the index.php file I have the following code between the head statements

JHtml::_('jquery.framework', true, true);
/* a js file created to override the inline style */    
JHtml::_('script',$this->_basePath.'js/override.js', false, true, false, false);

within the template folder in js/ I have a js doc called override.js with only the following code

jQuery('#sp-feature-wrapper').css(background', '');

Thanks for any assistance.



Try using $this->baseurl and $this->template, like so:

JHtml::_('script', $this->baseurl . '/templates/' . $this->template . '/js/override.js');

Try also wrapping your jQuery code in document ready as shown below:

    jQuery('#sp-feature-wrapper').css('background', '');

Note that you also missed out a ' before background in your code which I've added in for you.

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