vbscript / Classic ASP-プログラムで独自のファイル名を取得する方法はありますか?

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/450552

  •  19-08-2019
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Const ASP_FILENAME = "foo.asp"  ' TODO: Update this to the name of this file (if changed)

この変数は、エラーの記録にのみ使用されます。 (つまり、<!> quot; foo.aspのエラー-xxxxxオブジェクトを作成できませんでした。<!> quot;)これを回避する方法はありますか?




現在廃止されているAspfaq.comから( Archive.org ):

現在のURL /ページの名前を取得するにはどうすればよいですか



    Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "<br>" 
    Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") & "<br>" 
    Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("URL") & "<br>" 



    prot = "http" 
    https = lcase(request.ServerVariables("HTTPS")) 
    if https <> "off" then prot = "https" 
    domainname = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") 
    filename = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") 
    querystring = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") 
    response.write prot & "://" & domainname & filename & "?" & querystring 


    scr = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "<br>" 
    if instr(scr,"/")>0 then 
        scr = right(scr, len(scr) - instrRev(scr,"/")) 
    end if 
    response.write scr 


    scr = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "<br>" 
    loc = instrRev(scr,"/") 
    scr = mid(scr, loc+1, len(scr) - loc) 
    response.write scr 


      current_filename = "filetoinclude.asp" 

<!--#include file='filetoinclude.asp'-->



    Response.Write "Current file: " & current_filename 



Request.ServerVariables("url")を解析して、ファイル名の部分を取得できます。 Google検索でこのコードが見つかりました。クレジットを主張しないでください。これはSCRIPT_NAMEサーバー変数を使用しますが、これは実際にはより意味があるように思われます。

function getFileName(fpath, returnExtension)
        tmp = fpath
        if instrRev(tmp,"/") > 0 then
              tmp = mid(tmp, instrRev(tmp,"/")+1)
        end if
        if returnExtension = false then
              if instrRev(tmp,".") > 0 then
                    tmp = left(tmp, instrRev(tmp,".")-1)
              end if
        end if
        getFileName = tmp
  end function

  filename = request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
  Const ASP_FILENAME = getFileName(filename, true)


Not saying that anyone here [insert discrete throat clearing cough here] still uses Classic ASP for maintaining and supporting legacy applications, but I recently had the need to do something similar. Refusing to settle for the "it's impossible with Classic ASP" responses out there, I set out to find a way and came up with the following solution.

This approach basically leverages underlying OS commands to literally determine the current filename (whose result is equivalent to using the __FILE__ magic constant in PHP) regardless of whether it's a file include (*.inc) or the script itself (*.asp).

First, to support some sanitization (you can do this some other more "optimal" way if you wish):

'Regex helpers
Function NewRegex(ByVal pattern, ByVal ignore_case, ByVal global)
  Set NewRegex = New RegExp
  NewRegex.Pattern = pattern
  NewRegex.IgnoreCase = ignore_case
  NewRegex.Global = global
End Function

Function RegexMatch(ByVal pattern, ByVal subject)
  RegexMatch = RegexMatches(subject, pattern, True, False)
End Function

Function RegexMatches(ByVal subject, ByVal pattern, ByVal ignore_case, ByVal global)
  RegexMatches = NewRegex(pattern, ignore_case, global).Test(subject)
End Function

And now for a time of "reflection:"

Function GetCurrentFilename(ByVal uniqueId)
  '1. Enforce uniqueId format
  If Not RegexMatch("^[0-9a-f]+$", uniqueId) Then
    Exit Function
  End If

  '2. Use findstr to scan "readable" files in current directory for uniqueId
  Dim shell, cmd, process, fs, filename
  Set shell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  'See findstr /? for details on switches used below
  'cmd = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c findstr /P /M /C:"uniqueId" "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\includes\*"
  cmd = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMSPEC%") & " /c findstr /P /M /C:""" & uniqueId & """ """ & Server.MapPath(".") & "\*"""
  Set process = shell.Exec(cmd)

  '3. Use Scripting.FileSystemObject to return the filename portion of the first result returned
  Set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  GetCurrentFilename = fs.GetFileName(process.StdOut.ReadLine())

  Set fs = Nothing
  Set process = Nothing
  Set shell = Nothing
End Function

Then, inside whatever file you want to "inspect" the current filename, simply drop the following line, passing in some unique identifier that should not exist in any other file in the current directory but this one:

Response.Write "This is in " & GetCurrentFilename("908ab098c")

The result:

This is in somefile.inc

Oh, and if you're interested in what I needed to use this for, here's what it looks like used in a simple breakpoint function:

Function Breakpoint(ByVal line_no, ByVal uniqueId, ByVal msg)
  Dim fn
  fn = GetCurrentFilename(uniqueId)

  Response.Write "[!] Breakpoint hit at Line " & CLng(line_no) & " in " & fn & ": " & Server.HtmlEncode(msg) & vbNewLine
End Function

Such that on Line 20 of my code, if I wanted to add my own breakpoint, it would look like this:

Breakpoint 20, "B0001", "Some debug output here"


[!] Breakpoint hit at Line 20 in somefile.inc: Some debug output here

Happy coding!

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