
It is well known that a machine with a single stack as only unlimited storage is not Turing complete, if it can only read from the top of the stack. I want a machine which is (slightly) more powerful than a stack machine, but still not Turing complete. (I wonder whether there exists a non-Turing complete machine, which can deterministically simulate any non-deterministic pushdown automata with an only polynomial slow-down.) The most benign (straightforward) extension that came to my mind was a (single) forward read iterator.

Let me elaborate the implementation details, to make it clear what I mean by a forward read iterator. A singly linked list can be used for implementing a stack. Let the list be implemented by a pointer pTop, which is either zero, or points to an SList node. An SList node consists of a payload field value and a pointer field pNext, where pNext is either zero, or points to an SList node. Let the forward read iterator be implemented by a pointer pRead, which is either zero, or points to an SListnode. The pointers pTop and pRead cannot be accessed directly, but can only be used via the following methods:

  • Push(val) creates a new SList node n with n.value = val and n.pNext = pTop, and sets pTop = &n.
  • Pop() aborts if pTop == 0 or pRead == pTop. Otherwise it reads val = pTop->value and pTopNext = pTop->pNext, frees the SList node pointed to by pTop, sets pTop = pTopNext and returns val.
  • ReadBegin() sets pRead = pTop.
  • ReadNext() aborts if pRead == 0. Otherwise it reads val = pRead->value, sets pRead = pRead->pNext and returns val.
  • ReadFinished() returns true if pRead == 0, and false otherwise.


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