
だから私はジッパーHaskellではパターンについて少し読んでいるデータ構造を横断し、修正するために(および他の関数型言語を、私は考えます)、そして私はこれは私が自分のスキルを磨くためのための良い機会になると思いました以来、Haskellで型クラスを作成するに 私はコードを書くためのクラスが共通トラバーサルインタフェースを提示できたし、データ構造の独立したが横断ます。

ルートデータ構造のための1、および作成された特殊なデータ構造のための1 -

私は、私はおそらく2つのクラスを必要とするだろうと思って 最初を横断する:

module Zipper where

class Zipper z where
  go'up :: z -> Maybe z
  go'down :: z -> Maybe z
  go'left :: z -> Maybe z
  go'right :: z -> Maybe z

class Zippable t where
  zipper :: (Zipper z) => t -> z
  get :: (Zipper z) => z -> t
  put :: (Zipper z) => z -> t -> z


-- store a path through a list, with preceding elements stored in reverse
data ListZipper a = ListZipper { preceding :: [a], following :: [a] }

instance Zipper (ListZipper a) where
  go'up ListZipper { preceding = [] } = Nothing
  go'up ListZipper { preceding = a:ps, following = fs } = 
      Just $ ListZipper { preceding = ps, following = a:fs }
  go'down ListZipper { following = [] } = Nothing
  go'down ListZipper { preceding = ps, following = a:fs } = 
      Just $ ListZipper { preceding = a:ps, following = fs }
  go'left _ = Nothing
  go'right _ = Nothing

instance Zippable ([a]) where
  zipper as = ListZipper { preceding = [], following = as }
  get = following
  put z as = z { following = as }


-- binary tree that only stores values at the leaves
data Tree a = Node { left'child :: Tree a, right'child :: Tree a } | Leaf a
-- store a path down a Tree, with branches not taken stored in reverse
data TreeZipper a = TreeZipper { branches :: [Either (Tree a) (Tree a)], subtree :: Tree a }

instance Zipper (TreeZipper a) where
  go'up TreeZipper { branches = [] } = Nothing
  go'up TreeZipper { branches = (Left l):bs, subtree = r } =  
      Just $ TreeZipper { branches = bs, subtree = Node { left'child = l, right'child = r } }
  go'up TreeZipper { branches = (Right r):bs, subtree = l } =  
      Just $ TreeZipper { branches = bs, subtree = Node { left'child = l, right'child = r } }
  go'down TreeZipper { subtree = Leaf a } = Nothing
  go'down TreeZipper { branches = bs, subtree = Node { left'child = l, right'child = r } } =
      Just $ TreeZipper { branches = (Right r):bs, subtree = l }
  go'left TreeZipper { branches = [] } = Nothing
  go'left TreeZipper { branches = (Right r):bs } = Nothing
  go'left TreeZipper { branches = (Left l):bs, subtree = r } =
      Just $ TreeZipper { branches = (Right r):bs, subtree = l }
  go'right TreeZipper { branches = [] } = Nothing
  go'right TreeZipper { branches = (Left l):bs } = Nothing
  go'right TreeZipper { branches = (Right r):bs, subtree = l } =
      Just $ TreeZipper { branches = (Left l):bs, subtree = r }

instance Zippable (Tree a) where
  zipper t = TreeZipper { branches = [], subtree = t }
  get TreeZipper { subtree = s } = s
  put z s = z { subtree = s }


    Couldn't match expected type `z'
           against inferred type `ListZipper a'
      `z' is a rigid type variable bound by
          the type signature for `zipper' at Zipper.hs:10:20
    In the expression: ListZipper {preceding = [], following = as}
    In the definition of `zipper':
        zipper as = ListZipper {preceding = [], following = as}
    In the definition for method `zipper'

だから私はどこここから行くのか分かりません。私は私の問題は、私はこれらの2つのインスタンスをバインドしようとしているということであると思われます 一緒に、とき(Zipper z) =>宣言はちょうどzは任意のZipperになりたいと思っています。





{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
instance Zippable [a] where
    zipper = ... :: forall z. (Zipper z) => [a] -> z
    get = ... :: forall z. (Zipper z) => z -> [a]
    set = ... :: forall z. (Zipper z) => z -> [a] -> z

(すべてのタイプのzについて、Zipper z所与、zipper :: [a] -> zが存在する。)

あなたは明らかに厳しすぎるzipper = ... :: [a] -> ListZipper aを定義するトリングています。


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class (Zipper z) => Zippable z t where
    zipper :: t -> z
    get :: z -> t
    set :: z -> t -> z
instance Zippable (ListZipper a) [a] where
instance Zippable (TreeZipper a) (Tree a) where


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