
I got The constructor Service(URL, QName, WebServiceFeature[]) is undefined error after I run wsimport for my client web service. Im using JDK 1.6. Please help.




You had produced code that needs JAX-WS 2.1. Version 2.0 does not have WebServiceFeature class, and as result also not constructor in Service with such a argument type.

As you see, in Java SE 6 there is no such a constructor: javax.xml.ws.Service SE 6, but for example in Java EE 6 there is: javax.xml.ws.Service EE 6


add additional option "-target 2.0" while using wsimport to generate source codes for JAX-WS 2.0 and so on.

Change your JAX-WS in the preferences. It is compatibility issue for Java 6 SE and Java EE

enter image description here

Sometimes changing from Java 1.6 to Java 1.7 also solves this issue.

remove jdk1.6 from classpath,then add jdk1.7 can resolve this issue

You can manually add webservices-api.jar from JAX-WS 2.2 API, into /lib/endorsed. See the bottom of this page: https://blogs.oracle.com/ritzmann/entry/metro_2_0_on_java

Additionally to switch from java 6 to java 7 you may need to change the 'Order and Export' Eclipse tab in 'Java build path' and put 'JRE system library' on top of the list. If that works it could mean you have an old jar somewhere in your project.

Check the Java version in Eclipse. Go the command prompt and check for the Java version there (command: java -version). Match both the versions and it should work just fine.

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