



Yes, it's possible. I had a blog post on this very topic, but the blog site has since been deactivated. Basically you do it like you would add a web part to any other Web Part Page. When it's time to specify the zone, use the "wpz" zone. Also, you need to add some markup to the Page's "WikiField" that resembles this (substituting your Web Part ID Guid where appropriate):

<div class="ms-rtestate-read ms-rte-wpbox">
  <div class="ms-rtestate-read {webpart ID guid}"
       id="div_{webpart ID guid}">
  <div class="ms-rtestate-read"
       id="vid_{webpart ID guid}"
       style="display: none">

This posting was similar to the content I presented in my (now deleted) posting: http://blog.mastykarz.nl/inconvenient-provisioning-web-parts-wiki-pages-sandboxed-solutions/


Below Code Reads the SiteUrls from Text file called SiteUrls.txt, and add library called "Oct Invoicing 2014" to the Wikipage called "Billing_Req.aspx"

Here we are taking variable i to check for the library already present on the page, if present we are incrementing i to 1 and else its default value =0

If i=0 means webpart is not present on the page and it will be added on the page.

in All the cases we are writing the output to D:\Webpartoutput.txt.


asnp "*sh*"

$file=Get-Content -Path D:\SiteUrls.txt

foreach($url in $file)

$web= Get-SPWeb -Identity $url

$listName = "Oct Invoicing 2014"

$pageUrl= $web.GetFile("SitePages/Billing_Req.aspx");




    $webpart = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.XsltListViewWebPart


    $webpart.ListId = $list.ID

    $webpart.ViewGuid = ($list.DefaultView.ID).ToString("B").ToUpper()  

    $webpartmanager=  $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($pageUrl,[System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)

    foreach($wpt in $webpartmanager.WebParts)

         if($wpt.ListId -eq $list.ID)


    if($i -eq "0")


       "Webpart Added Successfully" + $url + " " + $webpart.Title |  Out-File   -Append -FilePath D:\WebpartOuPut.txt
         " Dude Webpart is already present on the site  : " + $url |  Out-File -Append -FilePath D:\WebpartOuPut.txt 

  catch [Exception]

   $url + $_.Exception.Message | Out-File -Append -FilePath D:\WebpartOuPut.txt 
    "Page Url is invalid or not existing  : " + $url  | Out-File -Append -FilePath D:\WebpartOuPut.txt 

More details in my blog

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