
CSRF攻撃を回避するために Security コンポーネントを使用しようとしています。

<?php echo $this->Form->postLink(__('Delete'), array('action' => 'delete', $user['User']['id']),  array('class' => 'button mini'), __('Are you sure?', $user['User']['id'])); ?>


href="http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/components/cecrurity-component.html"rel="nofollow"> CakePhp Documentation フォームヘルパーを使用するのは必須ですが、もっとはるかには指定されていません。





property SecurityComponent::$csrfCheck
Whether to use CSRF protected forms. Set to false to disable CSRF protection on forms.

property SecurityComponent::$csrfExpires
The duration from when a CSRF token is created that it will expire on. Each form/page request will generate a new token that can only be submitted once unless it expires. Can be any value compatible with strtotime(). The default is +30 minutes.

property SecurityComponent::$csrfUseOnce
Controls whether or not CSRF tokens are use and burn. Set to false to not generate new tokens on each request. One token will be reused until it expires. This reduces the chances of users getting invalid requests because of token consumption. It has the side effect of making CSRF less secure, as tokens are reusable.


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