
Question is simple but I'm near the solution..

In my windows store project, I need to play video in my video gallery page. I get the url from my web api. I get the "video_id" from selection_changed event, but could not put it into my media element.. My link is ready, I just need to put it in a media element..

this is my xaml side ;

<Grid x:Name="VideoGaleriFlipGrid" 
            <MediaElement x:Name="MyMediaPlayer"

and my cs codes;

protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            if (e.Parameter == null) return;
            var clickedItem = e.Parameter.ToString();
            var index = int.Parse(clickedItem);
            var url = "http://myapi.mywebsite.com.tr/Video?videoID=" + index;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var videodata = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
                _videos = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<VideoApi.RootObject>(videodata);
                //MyMediaPlayer.Source = _videos.Video[1].videourl3;
                //MyMediaPlayer.DataContext = _videos.Video[1].videourl3;

Commented lines doesn't work you know.. And I get the right videodata and right videourl3 when check with breakpoint..

I googled but couldn't find a situation like mine. I need help about this.. Thank you.



Try this

MyMediaPlayer.Source = new Uri(_videos.Video[1].videourl3);

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