
It looks like a basic issue, that I am trying to test Grails constraints in groovy console tool.

Does it work only when I do any database CRUD operations?

Sample code is like this

class AAA{
    String a
    String b
    static constraints = {
         a size:5..8
         b nullable:false

def x = new AAA(a:'sss',b:null)
println x.a
println x.b

Output is


Why are they not working?



Yes because the object.validate() method is only going to validate these constraints before saving the object.According to the official documentation of grails .

Constraints provide Grails with a declarative DSL for defining validation rules, schema generation and CRUD generation meta data. .See below



there is a wiki about gorm access and validation trought grails console in this url you may find some help here

Looks like one need to stop and run-app again, when using grails console.

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