
We are Displaying Drop-down options here using values Present in Backend

After selecting dropdown options & if we click on "See Cases", we are redirecting to particular product [ id : 44 ] using below code.


public function getProduct()
        $product =  Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(44);
            if ($p=='') {Mage::register('product', $product);}
            return  $product;

But we want to do some ajax coding [ or any other way] & we have to redirect to Particular Brand & Model selected in Dropdown options as here . below code is for selecting dropdown options :

enter image description here

<div class="custom_case">
    <div class="custom_case_left">
        <h1 class="cc1">Custom Cases</h1>
        <h2 class="cc2">Make Your Own design</h2>


$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');

$readConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_read');

$writeConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_write');

$readConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_read');

$query = 'SELECT category_id, category_name FROM ' . $resource->getTableName('outthink_advance_brand_category');

$categories = $readConnection->fetchAll($query);

$brandsArr = array();

$brandSelect = '<select id="brand_select">';
$brandSelect .= '<option value="">My Brand</option>';
foreach ($categories as $category){
$cat_id = $category["category_id"];

$brandSelect .= "<option value='".$category["category_id"]."'>".$category["category_name"]."</option>";

$query = 'SELECT `outthink_advance_brand`.brand_id, `outthink_advance_brand`.bmodel FROM `outthink_advance_brand` ';
$query .= ' inner join `outthink_advance_brand_category_item` on
(`outthink_advance_brand`.brand_id = `outthink_advance_brand_category_item`.brand_id )';
$query .= ' where `outthink_advance_brand_category_item`.category_id = '.$cat_id;

$brands = $readConnection->fetchAll($query);

$bArr = array();

foreach ($brands as $brand){
$bArr[$brand["brand_id"]] = $brand["bmodel"];
$brandsArr[$cat_id] = $bArr;
$brandSelect .= '</select>';

echo $brandSelect;
echo '<select id="model_select"><option value="">My Model</option></select>';

<div class ="cc3">
<div class ="cc4">
<a href="http://sbdev2.kidsdial.com/customized-mobile-cases/customcase/"><span class ="cc5"> See Cases > </span> </a>


var models = <?php echo json_encode($brandsArr) ?>;


jQuery( "#brand_select" ).change(function() {
var brandId = jQuery(this).val();
jQuery('#model_select').empty().append('<option value="">MY MODEL</option>');

jQuery.each(models[brandId], function(key,value) {
jQuery('#model_select').append(jQuery('<option>', {
value: key,
text : value

//trigger change event first time if required
//jQuery( "#brand_select" ).change();

    <div class="custom_case_right">
    <img height="200px;" width="2000px;" src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/custom.png'); ?>" >



class Company_Brand_CustomcaseController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
     * Displays the Brand list.
    public function indexAction()

        $breadcrumbs = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('breadcrumbs');
        $breadcrumbs->addCrumb('home', array('label'=>Mage::helper('cms')->__('Home'), 'title'=>Mage::helper('cms')->__('Home Page'), 'link'=>Mage::getBaseUrl()));
        $breadcrumbs->addCrumb('brand', array('label'=>$this->__('Brand'), 'title'=>$this->__('Customcase')));


with help of below answer, i tried this code with alert box, once i click on button its displaying proper Brand & Model ids in pop up box. but its not redirecting to proper page.

 function geturlandredirec()

 var brand=$('brand_select').value;
 var model=$('model_select').value;
 array = [brand, model];


   url="<?php echo Mage::getbaseUrl()?>customized-mobile-cases/customcase/ajax";

   new Ajax.Request(url, {
       method: 'POST',  

         onFailure: function(response){
parameters: {
    brand: brand, model: model
 onSuccess: function(response)
            window.location = response.responseText
   return ;


i will give 50 bounty if it works for me.



you can add simply and submit on their url and do you code there. that is simple solution for that.

<div class="custom_case">
    <div class="custom_case_left">
        <h1 class="cc1">Custom Cases</h1>
        <h2 class="cc2">Make Your Own design</h2>


$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');

$readConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_read');

$writeConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_write');

$readConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_read');

$query = 'SELECT category_id, category_name FROM ' . $resource->getTableName('outthink_advance_brand_category');

$categories = $readConnection->fetchAll($query);

$brandsArr = array();

$brandSelect = '<select id="brand_select">';
$brandSelect .= '<option value="">My Brand</option>';
foreach ($categories as $category){
$cat_id = $category["category_id"];

$brandSelect .= "<option value='".$category["category_id"]."'>".$category["category_name"]."</option>";

$query = 'SELECT `outthink_advance_brand`.brand_id, `outthink_advance_brand`.bmodel FROM `outthink_advance_brand` ';
$query .= ' inner join `outthink_advance_brand_category_item` on
(`outthink_advance_brand`.brand_id = `outthink_advance_brand_category_item`.brand_id )';
$query .= ' where `outthink_advance_brand_category_item`.category_id = '.$cat_id;

$brands = $readConnection->fetchAll($query);

$bArr = array();

foreach ($brands as $brand){
$bArr[$brand["brand_id"]] = $brand["bmodel"];
$brandsArr[$cat_id] = $bArr;
$brandSelect .= '</select>';

echo $brandSelect;
echo '<select id="model_select"><option value="">My Model</option></select>';

<div class ="cc3">
<div class ="cc4">
<a href="#" onclick="geturlandredirec()"><span class ="cc5"> See Cases > </span> </a>


var models = <?php echo json_encode($brandsArr) ?>;


jQuery( "#brand_select" ).change(function() {
var brandId = jQuery(this).val();
jQuery('#model_select').empty().append('<option value="">MY MODEL</option>');

jQuery.each(models[brandId], function(key,value) {
jQuery('#model_select').append(jQuery('<option>', {
value: key,
text : value

//trigger change event first time if required
//jQuery( "#brand_select" ).change();

    <div class="custom_case_right">
    <img height="200px;" width="2000px;" src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/custom.png'); ?>" >


second solution use ajax

  function geturlandredirec()

  var brand=$('brand_select').value;
  var model=$('model_select').value;
    url="<?php $this->getUrl('test/test/');?>";
    new Ajax.Request(url, {
        method: 'get',  
        parameters: parameters,
          onFailure: function(response){


  onSuccess: function(response)

             window.location = response.responseText
    return ;



controller method

      public function ajaxAction()

    $products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
          ->getCollection()      ->addAttributeToSelect('*')
    echo $_product_url = $products->getProductUrl();

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