
I have been working on a CSR script for the New / Edit / Display forms of a list.

I am attempting to use OnPostRender to perform an action after all fields on the form have been rendered (hide a particular tr).

At the moment my testing is showing OnPostRender firing once per field and before the 3 'InitCallback' (one for each customized field) events fire.

Even with the simplest example I can find, OnPostRender seems to fire for each field.

function $_global_kgjslinkcontactsnew_test() {    

    OnPreRender: function () { console.log('CSR OnPreRender'); },
    OnPostRender: function () { console.log('CSR OnPostRender'); }        

} $_global_kgjslinkcontactsnew_test();

My full script is posted below but I think this must be behavior by design.

How do you apply CSR code once after the form is rendered ???

I have a function to return the default SharePoint HTML for my fields and another that I am using in the OnPostRender to hide a particular tr in the DOM but even with those commented out I am getting the same effect.

Is there an error in my script or is OnPostRender supposed to fire once per field ? If it is, how can I run my function once after all fields have rendered ?

function $_global_kgjslinkcontactsnew_test() {


KG.jslink_contactsnew = KG.jslink_contactsnew || {};
KG.jslink_contactsnew.Templates = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Templates || {};
KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions || {};

KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.test = function (ctx) {

    var html = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.getDefaultFieldHtml(ctx, ctx.CurrentFieldSchema, ctx.CurrentItem, ctx.ListSchema);

    var formCtx = SPClientTemplates.Utility.GetFormContextForCurrentField(ctx);
    var fieldInternalName = ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name;

    var contactTypeName = "KGContactType";
    var contactTypeField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema[contactTypeName];
    var contactTypeControlId = contactTypeField.Name + "_" + contactTypeField.Id + "_$DropDown" + contactTypeField.FieldType + "Field";
    var contactTypeValue = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListData["KGContactType"];

    //Register GetValueCallback function for current field for when save is clicked.
    formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
        return document.getElementById(formCtx.fieldSchema.Id).value;

    //Register InitCallBack function for current field for when it changes.
    formCtx.registerInitCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {

        console.log("init function ran for " + formCtx.fieldName);


    return html;

KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.testOnPostRender = function (ctx) {


    var contactTypeName = "KGContactType";
    var contactTypeField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema[contactTypeName];
    var contactTypeControlId = contactTypeField.Name + "_" + contactTypeField.Id + "_$DropDown" + contactTypeField.FieldType + "Field";
    var contactTypeValue = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListData["KGContactType"];

    var firstNameName = "FirstName";
    var firstNameField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema[firstNameName];
    var firstNameControlId = firstNameField.Name + "_" + firstNameField.Id + "_$" + firstNameField.FieldType + "Field";  
    var firstNameControl = document.getElementById(firstNameControlId);
    var el;

    if (contactTypeValue == "Organization") {
        el = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(firstNameControl, "tr");
        el.style.display = "";
    else {
        el = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(firstNameControl, "tr");
        el.style.display = "none";

    // Find first ancestor of el with tagName
    // or undefined if not found

KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo = function (el, tagName) {

    tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();

    while (el && el.parentNode) {
        el = el.parentNode;
        if (el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == tagName) {
            console.log("found " + el.tagName);
            return el;
        else { console.log(el.tagName); }

    // Many DOM methods return null if they don't 
    // find the element they are searching for
    // It would be OK to omit the following and just
    // return undefined
    return null;

KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.getDefaultFieldHtml = function (renderCtx, field, listItem, listSchema) {

    // Get field type and whether we are in DISPLAY , NEW, EDIT or VIEW mode.
    var fieldType = renderCtx.CurrentFieldSchema.FieldType;
    var controlMode = renderCtx.ControlMode;

    // DISPLAY FORM default field rendering.
    if (controlMode == 1) {
        switch (renderCtx.CurrentFieldSchema.FieldType) {

            case 'Text':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Number':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Integer':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Boolean':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_DefaultNoEncode(renderCtx);
            case 'Note':
                return SPFieldNote_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'Currency':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'File':
                return SPFieldFile_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'Calculated':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Choice':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'MultiChoice':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Lookup':
                return SPFieldLookup_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'LookupMulti':
                return SPFieldLookup_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'Computed':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'URL':
                return SPFieldUrl_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'User':
                return SPFieldUser_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'UserMulti':
                return SPFieldUserMulti_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'DateTime':
                return SPFieldDateTime_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'Attachments':
                return SPFieldAttachments_Display(renderCtx);
                console.log("Fieldtype " + fieldType + "not found");
                return "";

    // NEW and EDIT FORM default field rendering.
    if (controlMode == 2 || controlMode == 3) {
        switch (renderCtx.CurrentFieldSchema.FieldType) {

            case 'Text':
                return SPFieldText_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Number':
                return SPFieldNumber_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Integer':
                return SPFieldNumber_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Boolean':
                return SPFieldBoolean_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Note':
                return SPFieldNote_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Currency':
                return SPFieldNumber_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'File':
                return SPFieldFile_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Calculated':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Empty(renderCtx);
            case 'Choice':
                return SPFieldChoice_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'MultiChoice':
                return SPFieldMultiChoice_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Lookup':
                return SPFieldLookup_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'LookupMulti':
                return SPFieldLookup_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Computed':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'URL':
                return SPFieldUrl_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'User':
                return SPClientPeoplePickerCSRTemplate(renderCtx);
            case 'UserMulti':
                return SPClientPeoplePickerCSRTemplate(renderCtx);
            case 'DateTime':
                return SPFieldDateTime_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Attachments':
                return SPFieldAttachments_Default(renderCtx);
                console.log("Fieldtype " + fieldType + "not found");
                return "";

    // VIEW default field rendering.
    if (controlMode == 4) {

        //Copy Paste of Jim Browns awesome helper function to return default View CSR field rendering

        var renderingTemplateToUse = null;

        var fieldRenderMap = {
            Computed: new ComputedFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Attachments: new AttachmentFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            User: new UserFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            UserMulti: new UserFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            URL: new UrlFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Note: new NoteFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Recurrence: new RecurrenceFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            CrossProjectLink: new ProjectLinkFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            AllDayEvent: new AllDayEventFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Number: new NumberFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            BusinessData: new BusinessDataFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Currency: new NumberFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            DateTime: new DateTimeFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Text: new TextFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Lookup: new LookupFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            LookupMulti: new LookupFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            WorkflowStatus: new RawFieldRenderer(field.Name)

        if (field.XSLRender == '1') {

            renderingTemplateToUse = new RawFieldRenderer(field.Name);
        else {

            renderingTemplateToUse = fieldRenderMap[field.FieldType];
            if (renderingTemplateToUse == null)
                renderingTemplateToUse = fieldRenderMap[field.Type];

        if (renderingTemplateToUse == null)
            renderingTemplateToUse = new FieldRenderer(field.Name);

        return renderingTemplateToUse.RenderField(renderCtx, field, listItem, listSchema);

    //No match found for default render.
    console.log("CSR Default Field Render Failed...");
    return "Default Field Render Failed";

KG.jslink_contactsnew.Templates.Fields = {
    //'Title': {
    //  'View': function () { return null; }
    'KGContactType': {
        'EditForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.test,
        'NewForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.test
    'FullName': {
        'EditForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.test,
        'NewForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.test
    'Company': {
        'EditForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.test,
        'NewForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.test

KG.jslink_contactsnew.Templates.OnPostRender = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.testOnPostRender;

//KG.jslink_contactsnew.BaseViewID = 1;

KG.jslink_contactsnew.ListTemplateType = 105;   

//Make the magic happen....

} $_global_kgjslinkcontactsnew_test();


So it seems that the order is :

field1 override function --> (set registerInitCallback, return html etc.)

field2 override function --> (set registerInitCallback, return html etc.)

field3 (non override field, standard SharePoint render)
... > so on for all form fields.

field1 registerInitCallback function
field2 registerInitCallback function

In the end I used registerInitCallback as I could guarantee all fields had been rendered on the form and then inside this callback I wired up 'onchange' events to the relevant fields.

My full script is listed below in case it is useful for someone. It includes a helper function to return the default html for any field type.

The script hides or shows some form rows based on changing a choice field.

function $_global_kgjslinkcontactsnew_test() {


KG.jslink_contactsnew = KG.jslink_contactsnew || {};
KG.jslink_contactsnew.Templates = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Templates || {};
KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions || {};

//This script is deployed to layouts as kgjslinkcontactsnew_test.js.
//The jslink property for new, edit and display forms is set to clienttemplates.js|kgjslinkcontactsnew.js.
//The script is for the forms of a standard contacts list with a custom choice field called KGContactType.
//When KGContactType is set to Organization, the firstname, lastname and fullname fields are hidden and company name is highlighted.
//When KGContactType is set to Organization, and company is edited, the value is copied to the lastname and fullname fields.

//Note: onPostRender fires after each individual field html has been returned for EVERY field (even ones not overridden).
// registerInitCallback fires once for each field that has been overridden AFTER all fields have been rendered.  This is why I am using 
// registerInitCallback to set the field logic because I need other fields to already exist on the form.

KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields = function (ctx) {

    //Get the default SharePoint html for the field using handy helper function.
    var html = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.getDefaultFieldHtml(ctx, ctx.CurrentFieldSchema, ctx.CurrentItem, ctx.ListSchema);

    var formCtx = SPClientTemplates.Utility.GetFormContextForCurrentField(ctx);
    var fieldInternalName = ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name;

    //Initial value of my choice field.
    var InitialcontactTypeValue = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListData["KGContactType"];

    //Variables for all of the form fields that I need to get values from or set values in.
    var contactTypeField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema["KGContactType"];
    var contactTypeControlId = contactTypeField.Name + "_" + contactTypeField.Id + "_$DropDown" + contactTypeField.FieldType;        
    var firstNameField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema["FirstName"];
    var firstNameControlId = firstNameField.Name + "_" + firstNameField.Id + "_$" + firstNameField.FieldType + "Field";
    var lastNameField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema["Title"];
    var lastNameControlId = lastNameField.Name + "_" + lastNameField.Id + "_$" + lastNameField.FieldType + "Field";
    var fullNameField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema["FullName"];
    var fullNameControlId = fullNameField.Name + "_" + fullNameField.Id + "_$" + fullNameField.FieldType + "Field";
    var companyField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema["Company"];
    var companyControlId = companyField.Name + "_" + companyField.Id + "_$" + companyField.FieldType + "Field";        

    if (fieldInternalName == "KGContactType") {            
        formCtx.registerInitCallback(fieldInternalName, function () {

            // 1 - Add an onchange handler so that we can manipulate the dom when this control is changed.
            $addHandler($get(contactTypeControlId), "change", function (e) {                   

                var fieldControl = $get(contactTypeControlId);
                var newValue = fieldControl.value;

                var firstNameControl = $get(firstNameControlId);
                var lastNameControl = $get(lastNameControlId);
                var fullNameControl = $get(fullNameControlId);
                var companyControl = $get(companyControlId);                  

                if (newValue == "Organization") {
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(firstNameControl, "tr").style.display = "none";
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(lastNameControl, "tr").style.display = "none";
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(fullNameControl, "tr").style.display = "none";
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(companyControl, "tr").style.backgroundColor = "#ada";                            
                else {                        
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(firstNameControl, "tr").style.display = "";
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(lastNameControl, "tr").style.display = "";
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(fullNameControl, "tr").style.display = "";
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(companyControl, "tr").style.removeProperty("background-color");
                    KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(lastNameControl, "tr").style.backgroundColor = "#ada";
            // 2 - Make sure the controls value is displayed on the form.
            ctx.FormContext.updateControlValue(fieldInternalName, $get(contactTypeControlId).value);

            // 3 - Set initial state of other fields based on this one.
            // (remember because this is in registerInitCallback it will occur once 
            // AFTER all fields are rendered on the form).
            var firstNameControl = $get(firstNameControlId);
            var lastNameControl = $get(lastNameControlId);
            var fullNameControl = $get(fullNameControlId);
            var companyControl = $get(companyControlId);

            if (InitialcontactTypeValue == "Organization") {
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(firstNameControl, "tr").style.display = "none";
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(lastNameControl, "tr").style.display = "none";
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(fullNameControl, "tr").style.display = "none";
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(companyControl, "tr").style.backgroundColor = "#ada";
            else {
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(firstNameControl, "tr").style.display = "";
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(lastNameControl, "tr").style.display = "";
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(fullNameControl, "tr").style.display = "";
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(companyControl, "tr").style.removeProperty("background-color");
                KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo(lastNameControl, "tr").style.backgroundColor = "#ada";

        //Register GetValueCallback function for current field for when save is clicked.
        formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
            return document.getElementById(contactTypeControlId).value;

    if (fieldInternalName == "Company") {
        formCtx.registerInitCallback(fieldInternalName, function () {

            //Add an onchange handler so that we can manipulate the dom when this control is changed.
            $addHandler($get(companyControlId), "change", function (e) {

                var fieldControl = $get(companyControlId);
                var newValue = fieldControl.value;

                var contactTypeControl = $get(contactTypeControlId);
                var firstNameControl = $get(firstNameControlId);
                var lastNameControl = $get(lastNameControlId);
                var fullNameControl = $get(fullNameControlId);                    

                if (contactTypeControl.value == "Organization") {
                    lastNameControl.value = newValue;
                    fullNameControl.value = newValue;
                    firstNameControl.value = "";
            //Make sure the controls value is displayed on the form.
            ctx.FormContext.updateControlValue(fieldInternalName, $get(companyControlId).value);

        //Register GetValueCallback function for current field for when save is clicked.
        formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
            return document.getElementById(companyControlId).value;

    if (fieldInternalName == "FirstName") {
        formCtx.registerInitCallback(fieldInternalName, function () {

            //Add an onchange handler so that we can manipulate the dom when this control is changed.
            $addHandler($get(firstNameControlId), "change", function (e) {

                var fieldControl = $get(firstNameControlId);
                var newValue = fieldControl.value;

                var contactTypeControl = $get(contactTypeControlId);
                var lastNameControl = $get(lastNameControlId);
                var fullNameControl = $get(fullNameControlId);

                if (contactTypeControl.value == "Organization") {

                    fieldControl.value = "";                                                
                    fullNameControl.value = newValue + " " + lastNameControl.value;
            //Make sure the controls value is displayed on the form.
            ctx.FormContext.updateControlValue(fieldInternalName, $get(firstNameControlId).value);

        //Register GetValueCallback function for current field for when save is clicked.
        formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
            var contactTypeControl = $get(contactTypeControlId);

            if (contactTypeControl.value == "Organization") { return ""; }
            else { return document.getElementById(firstNameControlId).value; }                

    //Set initial state based on this field.
    if (fieldInternalName == "Title") {
        formCtx.registerInitCallback(fieldInternalName, function () {

            //Add an onchange handler so that we can manipulate the dom when this control is changed.
            $addHandler($get(lastNameControlId), "change", function (e) {

                var fieldControl = $get(lastNameControlId);
                var newValue = fieldControl.value;

                var contactTypeControl = $get(contactTypeControlId);
                var firstNameControl = $get(firstNameControlId);                    
                var fullNameControl = $get(fullNameControlId);
                var companyControl = $get(companyControlId);

                if (contactTypeControl.value == "Organization") {

                    fieldControl.value = companyControl.value;
                else {
                    fullNameControl.value = firstNameControl.value + " " + newValue;
            //Make sure the controls value is displayed on the form.
            ctx.FormContext.updateControlValue(fieldInternalName, $get(lastNameControlId).value);

        //Register GetValueCallback function for current field for when save is clicked.
        formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
            var contactTypeControl = $get(contactTypeControlId);
            var companyControl = $get(companyControlId);

            if (contactTypeControl.value == "Organization") { return companyControl.value; }
            else { return document.getElementById(lastNameControlId).value; }

    if (fieldInternalName == "FullName") {
        formCtx.registerInitCallback(fieldInternalName, function () {

            //Add an onchange handler so that we can manipulate the dom when this control is changed.
            $addHandler($get(fullNameControlId), "change", function (e) {

                var fieldControl = $get(fullNameControlId);
                var newValue = fieldControl.value;

                var contactTypeControl = $get(contactTypeControlId);
                var firstNameControl = $get(firstNameControlId);
                var lastNameControl = $get(lastNameControlId);                    
                var companyControl = $get(companyControlId);

                if (contactTypeControl.value == "Organization") {

                    fieldControl.value = companyControl.value;
                else {
                    fieldControl.value = firstNameControl.value + " " + lastNameControl.value;
            //Make sure the controls value is displayed on the form.
            ctx.FormContext.updateControlValue(fieldInternalName, $get(lastNameControlId).value);

        //Register GetValueCallback function for current field for when save is clicked.
        formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
            var contactTypeControl = $get(contactTypeControlId);
            var companyControl = $get(companyControlId);
            var firstNameControl = $get(firstNameControlId);
            var lastNameControl = $get(lastNameControlId);

            if (contactTypeControl.value == "Organization") { return companyControl.value; }
            else { return firstNameControl.value + " " + lastNameControl.value; }

    //Returns default html for field.  We could have manipulated this first if we needed to.
    return html;

//Helper function to walk up the dom looking for the closest instance of an element.
//In this case we use it to backtrack to the closest parent tr so we can hide the whole
//field row
KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.upTo = function (el, tagName) {

    tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();

    while (el && el.parentNode) {
        el = el.parentNode;
        if (el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == tagName) {
            console.log("found " + el.tagName);
            return el;
        else { console.log(el.tagName); }

    // Many DOM methods return null if they don't 
    // find the element they are searching for
    // It would be OK to omit the following and just
    // return undefined
    return null;

//Helper function to return the default HTML that SharePoint would render before our CSR override.
KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.getDefaultFieldHtml = function (renderCtx, field, listItem, listSchema) {

    // Get field type and whether we are in DISPLAY , NEW, EDIT or VIEW mode.
    var fieldType = renderCtx.CurrentFieldSchema.FieldType;
    var controlMode = renderCtx.ControlMode;

    // DISPLAY FORM default field rendering.
    if (controlMode == 1) {
        switch (renderCtx.CurrentFieldSchema.FieldType) {

            case 'Text':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Number':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Integer':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Boolean':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_DefaultNoEncode(renderCtx);
            case 'Note':
                return SPFieldNote_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'Currency':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'File':
                return SPFieldFile_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'Calculated':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Choice':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'MultiChoice':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'Lookup':
                return SPFieldLookup_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'LookupMulti':
                return SPFieldLookup_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'Computed':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'URL':
                return SPFieldUrl_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'User':
                return SPFieldUser_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'UserMulti':
                return SPFieldUserMulti_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'DateTime':
                return SPFieldDateTime_Display(renderCtx);
            case 'Attachments':
                return SPFieldAttachments_Display(renderCtx);
                console.log("Fieldtype " + fieldType + "not found");
                return "";

    // NEW and EDIT FORM default field rendering.
    if (controlMode == 2 || controlMode == 3) {
        switch (renderCtx.CurrentFieldSchema.FieldType) {

            case 'Text':
                return SPFieldText_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Number':
                return SPFieldNumber_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Integer':
                return SPFieldNumber_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Boolean':
                return SPFieldBoolean_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Note':
                return SPFieldNote_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Currency':
                return SPFieldNumber_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'File':
                return SPFieldFile_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Calculated':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Empty(renderCtx);
            case 'Choice':
                return SPFieldChoice_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'MultiChoice':
                return SPFieldMultiChoice_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Lookup':
                return SPFieldLookup_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'LookupMulti':
                return SPFieldLookup_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Computed':
                return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(renderCtx);
            case 'URL':
                return SPFieldUrl_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'User':
                return SPClientPeoplePickerCSRTemplate(renderCtx);
            case 'UserMulti':
                return SPClientPeoplePickerCSRTemplate(renderCtx);
            case 'DateTime':
                return SPFieldDateTime_Edit(renderCtx);
            case 'Attachments':
                return SPFieldAttachments_Default(renderCtx);
                console.log("Fieldtype " + fieldType + "not found");
                return "";

    // VIEW default field rendering.
    if (controlMode == 4) {

        //Copy Paste of Jim Browns awesome helper function to return default View CSR field rendering

        var renderingTemplateToUse = null;

        var fieldRenderMap = {
            Computed: new ComputedFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Attachments: new AttachmentFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            User: new UserFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            UserMulti: new UserFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            URL: new UrlFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Note: new NoteFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Recurrence: new RecurrenceFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            CrossProjectLink: new ProjectLinkFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            AllDayEvent: new AllDayEventFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Number: new NumberFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            BusinessData: new BusinessDataFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Currency: new NumberFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            DateTime: new DateTimeFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Text: new TextFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            Lookup: new LookupFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            LookupMulti: new LookupFieldRenderer(field.Name),
            WorkflowStatus: new RawFieldRenderer(field.Name)

        if (field.XSLRender == '1') {

            renderingTemplateToUse = new RawFieldRenderer(field.Name);
        else {

            renderingTemplateToUse = fieldRenderMap[field.FieldType];
            if (renderingTemplateToUse == null)
                renderingTemplateToUse = fieldRenderMap[field.Type];

        if (renderingTemplateToUse == null)
            renderingTemplateToUse = new FieldRenderer(field.Name);

        return renderingTemplateToUse.RenderField(renderCtx, field, listItem, listSchema);

    //No match found for default render.
    console.log("CSR Default Field Render Failed...");
    return "Default Field Render Failed";

//Field overrides.  We are pointing them all to the same function but we 
//could have used different functions if we wanted to.
KG.jslink_contactsnew.Templates.Fields = {
    'FirstName': {
        'EditForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields,
        'NewForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields
    'Title': {
        'EditForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields,
        'NewForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields
    'KGContactType': {
        'EditForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields,
        'NewForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields
    'FullName': {
        'EditForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields,
        'NewForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields
    'Company': {
        'EditForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields,
        'NewForm': KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.overrideFields

//Useless junk fires after each individual field render even fields that dont have an override.
//KG.jslink_contactsnew.OnPostRender = KG.jslink_contactsnew.Functions.fieldOnPostRender;

//KG.jslink_contactsnew.BaseViewID = 1;

//105 is for lists of type Contact
KG.jslink_contactsnew.ListTemplateType = 105;   

//Make the magic happen....

} $_global_kgjslinkcontactsnew_test(); 
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