
When I made my child theme, I wanted to extend the local.xml of the parent theme, so instead of creating my own local.xml (which would replace the parent one instead of extending it), I created a customlocal.xml and added it via my theme.xml. However, my new CSS file is loading first before all other css files, which is really dumb for a parent-child theming scheme. I found this postthat explained that xml with if statements are loaded afterward, so I put an empty if statement in my xml:

        <action method="addCss">

This did work and load my CSS after the parent themes, but now I'm getting an orphan html closing tag right after my :

<body class="catalog-product-view" cz-shortcut-listen="true">/&gt;

The /&gt renders as /> on the page, before the header and all other content. Does anyone know how I correctly use an empty CDATA to get my css to load in the expected position?

PS also, in my css link in the head, <!--[]="" is being added in at the end:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/mylift/store/skin/frontend/custom/default/css/mycustomcss.css" <!--[]="">

and <!---->is also showing up right before the closing tag of the



This is because the addItem and addCss methods have different signatures. You would need to look at Mage_Page_Block_Html_Head to see the differences and which parameters are required and which are optional. The XML nodes of the action follow the same rules as PHP: if you want to "skip" a parameter, you still need to include it but leave it empty.

The addCss method takes two parameters: the style sheet path and parameters.

 * Add CSS file to HEAD entity
 * @param string $name
 * @param string $params
 * @return Mage_Page_Block_Html_Head
public function addCss($name, $params = "")

The addItem takes quite a few parameters as it needs to support different elements like scripts, style sheets and meta elements.

 * Add HEAD Item
 * Allowed types:
 *  - js
 *  - js_css
 *  - skin_js
 *  - skin_css
 *  - rss
 * @param string $type
 * @param string $name
 * @param string $params
 * @param string $if
 * @param string $cond
 * @return Mage_Page_Block_Html_Head
public function addItem($type, $name, $params=null, $if=null, $cond=null)

So the only way to add a style sheet with an empty if statement is to use the addItem method.

As an alternative I've implemented a customization of this class which adds the functionality to insert an element before/after another element. This requires a module and some knowledge of how Magento keeps the scripts array, but is fairly easy to implement.


It turns out I was missing a


in my xml, that I guess closes out the head tag. For some reason, I also needed to use the method "addItem" and specify the type as css, rather than addCss. The complete XML looks like this:

<reference name="head">
    <action method="addItem">

This will not work:

<reference name="head">
   <action method="addCss">
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