
I want to make a modification with the price shown in catalog view page so i have to modify _toHtml() in module-catalog\pricing\render.php I am not sure what is the best way to do that.

for example, for listing page, i used a plugin for the aftergetProductPrice() function of catalog\Product\ListProduct.php



If you just want to rewrite the price of listing page, it is fine in this case. But in most cases, we want to rewrite all the price in all page.

In those cases, you should rewrite method format of \Magento\Directory\Model\PriceCurrency class.

P/s: you can either using prefences or plugin

Edited: If you want to also modify the price in product view page, checkout page, cart page (these pages using knockoutjs to render the price format).

Rewrite the formatPrice() method in Magento_Catalog/web/js/price-utils

For me, i added the configuration in admin dashboard. And then i add these line of code to the formatPrice() method:

 if (typeof window.precision !== 'undefined') {
            precision = window.precision;

This is the eddited method:

 * Formatter for price amount
 * @param  {Number}  amount
 * @param  {Object}  format
 * @param  {Boolean} isShowSign
 * @return {String}  Formatted value
function formatPrice(amount, format, isShowSign) {
    format = _.extend(globalPriceFormat, format);

    // copied from price-option.js | Could be refactored with varien/js.js

    var precision = isNaN(format.requiredPrecision = Math.abs(format.requiredPrecision)) ? 2 : format.requiredPrecision,
        integerRequired = isNaN(format.integerRequired = Math.abs(format.integerRequired)) ? 1 : format.integerRequired,
        decimalSymbol = format.decimalSymbol === undefined ? ',' : format.decimalSymbol,
        groupSymbol = format.groupSymbol === undefined ? '.' : format.groupSymbol,
        groupLength = format.groupLength === undefined ? 3 : format.groupLength,
        pattern = format.pattern || '%s',
        s = '',
        i, pad,
        j, re, r, am;

    if (typeof window.precision !== 'undefined') {
        precision = window.precision;

    if (isShowSign === undefined || isShowSign === true) {
        s = amount < 0 ? '-' : (isShowSign ? '+' : '');
    } else if (isShowSign === false) {
        s = '';
    pattern = pattern.indexOf('{sign}') < 0 ? s + pattern : pattern.replace('{sign}', s);

    // we're avoiding the usage of to fixed, and using round instead with the e representation to address
    // numbers like 1.005 = 1.01. Using ToFixed to only provide trailig zeroes in case we have a whole number
    i = parseInt(amount = Number(Math.round(Math.abs(+amount || 0) + 'e+' + precision) + ('e-' + precision)) , 10) + '';
    pad = (i.length < integerRequired) ? (integerRequired - i.length) : 0;

    i = stringPad('0', pad) + i;

    j = i.length > groupLength ? i.length % groupLength : 0;
    re = new RegExp('(\\d{' + groupLength + '})(?=\\d)', 'g');

    // replace(/-/, 0) is only for fixing Safari bug which appears
    // when Math.abs(0).toFixed() executed on '0' number.
    // Result is '0.-0' :(

    am = Number(Math.round(Math.abs(amount - i) + 'e+' + precision) + ('e-' + precision));
    r = (j ? i.substr(0, j) + groupSymbol : '') +
        i.substr(j).replace(re, '$1' + groupSymbol) +
        (precision ? decimalSymbol + am.toFixed(2).replace(/-/, 0).slice(2) : '');

    return pattern.replace('%s', r).replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');

Note: the window.precision is the global variable that i assigned to when loading the page.

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