
I'm working on an Angular2 component that needs to expose the files in a document library but also the files within any subfolders of said document library. I've scoured the web for an answer and it looks like this is very doable -- I just seem to be coming up short.

The REST call is somewhat abnormal -- it's a search rather than a request for the document library:

_api/search/query?querytext='ListId:{{The List ID}} AND FileName<>"AllItems.aspx*"'

When I run this query with with no property limits I don't immediately see anything in the OData returned that would keep track of any subfolders' contents. I'm hoping maybe I can add an $expand that would take care of it?

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!



You can generally query your items using caml in the REST api like this:

var camlQuery = {
    ViewXml: "<View>" +
        "<Query></Query>" +

then call /_api/Web/Lists/getById('YourListId')/GetItems(query=@v1)?@v1=' + JSON.stringify(camlQuery)

see this question on CAML and the REST-api, documentation is at GetItems-method.

Now, querying "items in a folder" should work like this (untested):

  <Query />

Have a look at this question, regarding CAML and folders.

However, reading the docs to SP.CamlQuery the following sounds promising, too:

var camlQuery = {
    FolderServerRelativeUrl: 'http://MySharePointServer/Root/SubFolder1',
    ViewXml: '<View><Query /></View>'
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