
I am trying to create a lookup field via Sharpoint PNP PowerShell module.

And here is my script:

$URL = "https://testing.sharepoint.com/sites/sitename"

Connect-PnPOnline -url $URL -Credential credentialname

$targetlistname = "users" ## Name of the target list
$sourcelistname = "testlist" ## Name of the list which contains the lookup field
$sourcefieldname = "Title" ## Name of the lookup column
$lookupfielddisplayname = "JustTesting" ## Name of the new column
$lookupfieldinternalname = "justtesting" ## Name of the internal name of the new column

Add-PnPField -List $targetlistname -DisplayName $lookupfielddisplayname -InternalName $lookupfieldinternalname -Type Lookup -LookUpList $sourcelistname -LookUpValue $sourcefieldname

The shown error: enter image description here

I would like to achieve this:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Can someone help me with the correct syntax?



Currently, Add-PnPField command still not support "LookupList" parameter, please refer the opening issue here:

Question: Adding a lookup field with Add-PnPField #1518

A workaround is to add the field with schema like this:

$xml = '<Field Type="Lookup" DisplayName="testlookup" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" List="{2cefea32-3396-4a9f-9117-753d110a6d4e}" ShowField="Title" UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary="FA
LSE" RelationshipDeleteBehavior="None" ID="{c7da3702-965c-4cdf-b6ca-48801af6860a}" SourceID="{ffb78df3-46ea-4b1a-b596-b01adfaa2692}" StaticName="testlookup" Name="testlookup"/>'
Add-PnPFieldFromXml -List "MyList11" -FieldXml $xml

In the schema above, List is the target list Guid, showField is the target field name, SourceID is the Source List Guid.

enter image description here

enter image description here


Currently Add-PnPField doesn not support parameterized creation of Lookup columns. You can use the below code (tried and tested).

$URL = "https://testing.sharepoint.com/sites/sitename"

Connect-PnPOnline -url $URL -Credential credentialname

$targetlistname = "users" ## Name of the target list
$sourcelistID = "List ID here" ## ID of the source list (click on list settings and in url you get it's ID)
$sourcefieldname = "Title" ## Name of the lookup column
$lookupfielddisplayname = "JustTesting" ## Name of the new column
$lookupfieldinternalname = "justtesting" ## Name of the internal name of the new column

$ctx = Get-PnPContext
$lookupField = Add-PnPField -List $targetlistname -DisplayName $lookupfielddisplayname -InternalName $lookupfieldinternalname -Type Lookup -AddToDefaultView
$lookupField = $lookupField.TypedObject
$lookupField.LookupList = $sourcelistID
$lookupField.LookupField = $sourcefieldname


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