
I'm trying to use tfpt to migrate a shelveset from a source branch into a target branch, but it doesn't appear to do anything...not that I'd expect much more...but any chance anyone knows what's wrong? I'm following the instructions correctly I think...

I've got:

tfpt unshelve "DbMigrations" /migrate /source:$/TeamProject/Main /target:$/TeamProject/Releases/7.20


What happens after you run the command? You need to have a few things set up before migrating:

  • A workspace that encompasses both the source and target branches.
  • You need to run the command in a folder within the source.

Once you run the command you should be asked to merge the changes from the original shelfset into the destination branch and resolve any conflicts, which finally pends a changeset on your client. Nothing is touched on the server until you check that changeset into TFS itself.


I experienced the same problem and I could not get it to work by specifying the shelveset name. However, I discovered that if you remove the name of the shelveset altogether, TFS will pop up a window with a selection list of available shelvesets to choose from. Select the desired shelveset and perform all other merge operations as per normal.

Example: c:[mapped workspace target path] > tfpt unshelve /migrate /source:"$/Sourcepath" /target:"$/targetpath"

You need to use the branch paths on the TFS server, not your local machine. To find the paths, go to source control explorer in visual studio, right click the branch, advanced > properties, and you want the branch name, not the local path. If the path has spaces, wrap it in double quotes.

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