


public string GetImage(string path, int width, int height)
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
    string newPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, path);
    Image img = Image.FromFile(newPath);
    img.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

    byte [] bytes = stream.ToArray();

    string str = BitConverter.ToString(bytes, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty);
    //string str = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

    string mpic = @"{\pict\pngblip\picw" + 
        img.Width.ToString() + @"\pich" + img.Height.ToString() +
        @"\picwgoa" + width.ToString() + @"\pichgoa" + height.ToString() + 
        @"\hex " + str + "}";
    return mpic







string mpic = @"{\pict\pngblip\picw" + 
    img.Width.ToString() + @"\pich" + img.Height.ToString() +
    @"\picwgoal" + width.ToString() + @"\pichgoal" + height.ToString() + 
    @"\bin " + str + "}";


\emfblip      Source of the picture is an EMF (enhanced metafile).
\pngblip      Source of the picture is a PNG.
\jpegblip     Source of the picture is a JPEG.
\shppict      Specifies a Word 97-2000 picture. This is a destination control word.
\nonshppict   Specifies that Word 97-2000 has written a {\pict destination that it will not read on input. This keyword is for compatibility with other readers.
\macpict      Source of the picture is QuickDraw.
\pmmetafileN  Source of the picture is an OS/2 metafile. The N argument identifies the metafile type. The N values are described in the \pmmetafile table below.
\wmetafileN   Source of the picture is a Windows metafile. The N argument identifies the metafile type (the default is 1).
\dibitmapN    Source of the picture is a Windows device-independent bitmap. The N argument identifies the bitmap type (must equal 0).The information to be included in RTF from a Windows device-independent bitmap is the concatenation of the BITMAPINFO structure followed by the actual pixel data.    
\wbitmapN     Source of the picture is a Windows device-dependent bitmap. The N argument identifies the bitmap type (must equal 0).The information to be included in RTF from a Windows device-dependent bitmap is the result of the GetBitmapBits function.



    // RTF Image Format
    // {\pict\wmetafile8\picw[A]\pich[B]\picwgoal[C]\pichgoal[D]
    // A    = (Image Width in Pixels / Graphics.DpiX) * 2540 
    // B    = (Image Height in Pixels / Graphics.DpiX) * 2540 
    // C    = (Image Width in Pixels / Graphics.DpiX) * 1440 
    // D    = (Image Height in Pixels / Graphics.DpiX) * 1440 

    enum EmfToWmfBitsFlags
        EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault = 0x00000000,
        EmfToWmfBitsFlagsEmbedEmf = 0x00000001,
        EmfToWmfBitsFlagsIncludePlaceable = 0x00000002,
        EmfToWmfBitsFlagsNoXORClip = 0x00000004

    const int MM_ISOTROPIC = 7;
    const int MM_ANISOTROPIC = 8;

    private static extern uint GdipEmfToWmfBits(IntPtr _hEmf, uint _bufferSize,
        byte[] _buffer, int _mappingMode, EmfToWmfBitsFlags _flags);
    private static extern IntPtr SetMetaFileBitsEx(uint _bufferSize,
        byte[] _buffer);
    private static extern IntPtr CopyMetaFile(IntPtr hWmf,
        string filename);
    private static extern bool DeleteMetaFile(IntPtr hWmf);
    private static extern bool DeleteEnhMetaFile(IntPtr hEmf);

        public static string GetEmbedImageString(Bitmap image)
                Metafile metafile = null;
                float dpiX; float dpiY;

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage (image)) 
                    IntPtr hDC = g.GetHdc ();
                    metafile = new Metafile (hDC, EmfType.EmfOnly);
                    g.ReleaseHdc (hDC);

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage (metafile)) 
                    g.DrawImage (image, 0, 0);
            dpiX = g.DpiX;
            dpiY = g.DpiY;

                IntPtr _hEmf = metafile.GetHenhmetafile ();
                uint _bufferSize = GdipEmfToWmfBits (_hEmf, 0, null, MM_ANISOTROPIC,
                byte[] _buffer = new byte[_bufferSize];
                GdipEmfToWmfBits (_hEmf, _bufferSize, _buffer, MM_ANISOTROPIC,
                IntPtr hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx (_bufferSize, _buffer);
                string tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName ();
                CopyMetaFile (hmf, tempfile);
                DeleteMetaFile (hmf);
                DeleteEnhMetaFile (_hEmf);

                var stream = new MemoryStream ();
                byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes (tempfile);
                //File.Delete (tempfile);
                int count = data.Length;
                stream.Write (data, 0, count);

                string proto = @"{\rtf1{\pict\wmetafile8\picw" + (int)( ( (float)image.Width / dpiX ) * 2540 )
                                  + @"\pich" + (int)( ( (float)image.Height / dpiY ) * 2540 )
                                  + @"\picwgoal" + (int)( ( (float)image.Width / dpiX ) * 1440 )
                                  + @"\pichgoal" + (int)( ( (float)image.Height / dpiY ) * 1440 )
                                  + " " 
                      + BitConverter.ToString(stream.ToArray()).Replace("-", "")
                                  + "}}";                   
                return proto;

後者はこのページなどでした数日前の場合は下記のリンクに有: に変換する画像を分類す。当期純



降の適切なデータをすることができ行われた手続により、上記のリンクです。人pythonの見解は、この開始について一部のdpi/スケーリング課題が残ってい).が必要です ), ctypes, は、 clr(エラーになります。純).利用枕、マットレス/枕元の画像です。ここにしています"としてcanv":

from ctypes import *
import clr
from System import IntPtr
from System.Drawing import SolidBrush
from System.Drawing import Color
from System.Drawing import Imaging
from System.Drawing import Graphics
from System.IO import FileStream
from System.IO import FileMode
from System.IO import MemoryStream
from System.IO import File

def byte_to_hex(bytefile):
  acc = ''
  b = bytefile.read(1)
  while b:
    acc+=("%02X" % ord(b))
    b = bytefile.read(1)
  return acc.strip()

#... in here is some code where 'canv' is created as the PIL image object, and
#...   'template' is defined as a string with placeholders for picw, pich, 
#...   picwgoal, pichgoal, and the image data

mfstream     = MemoryStream()
offscrDC     = Graphics.FromHwndInternal(IntPtr.Zero)
imgptr       = offscrDC.GetHdc()
mfile        = Imaging.Metafile(mfstream, imgptr, Imaging.EmfType.EmfOnly)
gfx          = Graphics.FromImage(mfile)
width,height = canv.size
pixels       = canv.load()
for x in range(width):
  for y in range(height):
    _r,_g,_b = pixels[x, y]
    c     = Color.FromArgb(_r, _g, _b)
    brush = SolidBrush(c)
    gfx.FillRectangle(brush, x, y, 1, 1)
_hEmf            = mfile.GetHenhmetafile()
GdipEmfToWmfBits = windll.gdiplus.GdipEmfToWmfBits
_bufferSize      = GdipEmfToWmfBits(
                      c_int(8),           # MM_ANISOTROPIC
                      c_uint(0x00000000)) # Default flags
_buffer = c_int * _bufferSize
_buffer = _buffer(*[0 for x in range(_bufferSize)])
GdipEmfToWmfBits( int(str(_hEmf)),
                  c_int(8),            # MM_ANISOTROPIC
                  c_uint(0x00000000) ) # Default flags
hmf = windll.gdi32.SetMetaFileBitsEx(c_uint(_bufferSize), _buffer)
windll.gdi32.CopyMetaFileA(int(str(hmf)), "temp.wmf")

imgstr = open("temp.wmf", 'rb')
imgstr = byte_to_hex(imgstr)
with open('script-out.rtf','wb') as outf:
  template = template % (str(_cx),str(_cy),str(15*_cx),str(15*_cy),imgstr)


{\object\objemb{\*\objclass Paint.Picture}\objw2699\objh4799{\*\objdata [hex/bin]}}

[hex/bin]は画像フォーマットを表す進ストリングの大量である場合。この方法では、WordのRTFの両方の作業、および両方のRTFボックスの - それは、より効率的です。

私の知る限り= 15のtwip単位を、1pix意味2699x4799 twip単位に変換されて180x320ピクセルの大きさ、で私のコンピュータのイメージでは、それは私がWinXPの、それらの間に、テストしてきたという3台のコンピュータでは、このようなものです教授、WinXPのホームと勝利7

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