SQL Server HA Design (FCI) - Windows Storage Replication - Test-SRTopology - Physical Memory Error - AWS EC2

dba.stackexchange https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/276139


I'm trying to set up AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instance (Not Availability Groups) on 2 VMs(each on different AWS Availability Zone) in AWS-EC2 instances.

To make this happen, I've to set up Windows Server(2016+ feature) stretch cluster Storage Replication between the disks in the respective VMs.

When I run the "Test-SRTopology" power shell command, I get the physical memory error as below. My newly spun-up VMs has nothing else running on it and has 32GB of memory and almost all of it is free.

Any idea why I'm getting this memory error? Is Windows Stretch-cluster Storage replica designed to only work on Physical machines and NOT VM? If not, any idea what is going on?

Thanks for your guidance.

Physical Memory Requirement Test: SQL-01 does not have the required physical memory to deploy Storage Replica. The minimum physical memory requirement to deploy Storage Replica is 2GB. Actual physical memory available on TM-SQL-01 is 0GB.
Physical Memory Requirement Test: SQL-02 does not have the required physical memory to deploy Storage Replica. The minimum physical memory requirement to deploy Storage Replica is 2GB. Actual physical memory available on TM-SQL-02 is 0GB.



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