
I have a JTable that holds several JPanels using a custom renderer/editor. The JPanel listens to another object for changes. Now when I remove the rows from the JTable the JPanel still exists in the listener list in the object so the JPanel doesn't get destroyed.

Previously I displayed the JPanel in another JPanel so when the object got removed I could add some code to unregister the listener in its removeNotify() method.

The removeNotify() trick doesn't work when the JPanel is in a JTable because it is constantly removed and re-added to the table's renderer/editor. I tried using addNotify() to add the JPanel as a listener, but somehow it doesn't get removed from the listener list. So how can I do this as clean as possible?

How I add rows to the table:

public void fillTable()
    DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) table.getModel();
    CustomPanel panel = new CustomPanel(getSomeObject());
    model.addRow(new Object[]{panel});

How the custom panel registers as a listener:

public class CustomPanel extends JPanel implements CustomObjectListener
    public CustomPanel(CustomObjet obj)

    public void CustomObjectEvent(Event evt)
        handle event;

How the event is thrown:

public class CustomObject
    ArrayList<CustomObjectListener> listeners = new ArrayList<CustomObjectListener>();

    public CustomObject()

    public void addListener(CustomObjectListener listener)

    public void removeListener(CustomObjectListener listener)

    public void fireEvent(Event evt)
        for (CustomObjectListener listener : listeners)

解決 2

I fixed it by creating a new TableModel and overriding the setRowCount() method.

public class CustomTableModel extends DefaultTableModel
    public void setRowCount(int rowCount)
        if (rowCount < getRowCount())
            for (int i = getRowCount()-1; i >= rowCount; i--)
                ((CustomPanel)getValueAt(i, 0)).removeListeners();


I have a JTable that holds several JPanels using a custom renderer/editor.

The DefaultCellEditor has a stopCellEditing() method you should be able to add your code to.

Or maybe you can add a PropertyChangeListener to the table:

public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
    //  A cell has started/stopped editing

    if ("tableCellEditor".equals(e.getPropertyName()))
        if (table.isEditing())
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