
VBA Accessで丸める最良の方法は何ですか?






VBA Round関数は、Bankerの丸めを使用し、0.5を偶数に丸めます。次のように注意してください:

Round (12.55, 1) would return 12.6 (rounds up) 
Round (12.65, 1) would return 12.6 (rounds down) 
Round (12.75, 1) would return 12.8 (rounds up)   

Excel Worksheet Function Roundは、常に0.5を切り上げます。

いくつかのテストを行ったところ、0.55の切り上げ(対称の丸め)がセルの書式設定にも使用され、列幅の丸めにも使用されるようです(一般的な数値形式を使用する場合)。 「表示されたままの精度」フラグは、それ自体で丸めを行うようには見えません。セル形式の丸められた結果を使用するだけです。

丸めのためにMicrosoftのSymArith関数をVBAに実装しようとしましたが、Fixに58.55などの数値を指定しようとするとエラーが発生することがわかりました。 58.6ではなく58.5の結果を与える関数。そして、ようやくExcel Worksheet Round関数を使用できることを発見しました。






<!> quot; Round関数は偶数への丸めを実行しますが、これは丸めと大きく異なります。<!> quot;


  Debug.Print Round(19.955, 2)
  'Answer: 19.95

  Debug.Print Format(19.955, "#.00")
  'Answer: 19.96

ACC2000:浮動小数点数を使用する場合の丸めエラー: http://support.microsoft.com/ kb / 210423

ACC2000:必要な増分で数値を切り上げるまたは切り下げる方法: http://support.microsoft .com / kb / 209996

ラウンド関数: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us /library/se6f2zfx.aspx

カスタム丸め手順の実装方法: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/196652



Function roundit(value As Double, precision As Double) As Double
    roundit = Int(value / precision + 0.5) * precision
End Function



Intは常に切り捨てられます-Int(3.5)= 3、Int(-3.5)= -4

常にゼロに向かって丸めます-Fix(3.5)= 3、Fix(-3.5)= -3

また、数値を整数型またはlong型に変換しようとする強制機能、特にCIntおよびCLngがあります(整数は-32,768〜32,767、長さは-2,147,483,648〜2,147,483,647)。これらは両方とも、最も近い整数に向かって丸められ、0.5からゼロから離れて丸められます-CInt(3.5)= 4、Cint(3.49)= 3、CInt(-3.5)= -4など。

1 place = INT(number x 10 + .5)/10
3 places = INT(number x 1000 + .5)/1000


eg If A > B Then MaxAB = A Else MaxAB = Bは、ExcelWorksheetFunction.Maxを使用するよりも約40倍高速です


ただし、多くの場合、精度は必須であり、今日のコンピューターの速度では、単一の値の処理ではなく、少し遅い処理がほとんど気づかれません。以下のリンクのすべての関数は、約1 <!>#181; sで実行されます。








  • 切り捨て、負の値をゼロに丸めるオプション

  • 切り上げ、負の値をゼロから切り捨てるオプションを使用

  • 4 / 5、0から偶数または偶数(Banker's Rounding)でのラウンド

  • 有効数字の数に四捨五入




例はこちらです-一般的な4/5丸めの場合。微妙な詳細と、ビットエラーを回避するための CDec の使用方法については、インラインコメントをご覧ください。

' Common constants.
Public Const Base10     As Double = 10

' Rounds Value by 4/5 with count of decimals as specified with parameter NumDigitsAfterDecimals.
' Rounds to integer if NumDigitsAfterDecimals is zero.
' Rounds correctly Value until max/min value limited by a Scaling of 10
' raised to the power of (the number of decimals).
' Uses CDec() for correcting bit errors of reals.
' Execution time is about 1µs.
Public Function RoundMid( _
    ByVal Value As Variant, _
    Optional ByVal NumDigitsAfterDecimals As Long, _
    Optional ByVal MidwayRoundingToEven As Boolean) _
    As Variant

    Dim Scaling     As Variant
    Dim Half        As Variant
    Dim ScaledValue As Variant
    Dim ReturnValue As Variant

    ' Only round if Value is numeric and ReturnValue can be different from zero.
    If Not IsNumeric(Value) Then
        ' Nothing to do.
        ReturnValue = Null
    ElseIf Value = 0 Then
        ' Nothing to round.
        ' Return Value as is.
        ReturnValue = Value
        Scaling = CDec(Base10 ^ NumDigitsAfterDecimals)

        If Scaling = 0 Then
            ' A very large value for Digits has minimized scaling.
            ' Return Value as is.
            ReturnValue = Value
        ElseIf MidwayRoundingToEven Then
            ' Banker's rounding.
            If Scaling = 1 Then
                ReturnValue = Round(Value)
                ' First try with conversion to Decimal to avoid bit errors for some reals like 32.675.
                ' Very large values for NumDigitsAfterDecimals can cause an out-of-range error 
                ' when dividing.
                On Error Resume Next
                ScaledValue = Round(CDec(Value) * Scaling)
                ReturnValue = ScaledValue / Scaling
                If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                    ' Decimal overflow.
                    ' Round Value without conversion to Decimal.
                    ReturnValue = Round(Value * Scaling) / Scaling
                End If
            End If
            ' Standard 4/5 rounding.
            ' Very large values for NumDigitsAfterDecimals can cause an out-of-range error 
            ' when dividing.
            On Error Resume Next
            Half = CDec(0.5)
            If Value > 0 Then
                ScaledValue = Int(CDec(Value) * Scaling + Half)
                ScaledValue = -Int(-CDec(Value) * Scaling + Half)
            End If
            ReturnValue = ScaledValue / Scaling
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                ' Decimal overflow.
                ' Round Value without conversion to Decimal.
                Half = CDbl(0.5)
                If Value > 0 Then
                    ScaledValue = Int(Value * Scaling + Half)
                    ScaledValue = -Int(-Value * Scaling + Half)
                End If
                ReturnValue = ScaledValue / Scaling
            End If
        End If
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            ' Rounding failed because values are near one of the boundaries of type Double.
            ' Return value as is.
            ReturnValue = Value
        End If
    End If

    RoundMid = ReturnValue

End Function

整数値への丸め(小数点以下 n への丸めではない)について話している場合は、常に旧式の方法があります:

return int(var + 0.5)

(小数点以下 n でもこの機能を使用できますが、少し面倒になり始めます)

Lanceは、VBAの実装での継承丸めbugについて既に言及しました。 したがって、VB6アプリで実際の丸め関数が必要です。 ここに私が使用しているものがあります。コメントで示されているように、ウェブ上で見つけたものに基づいています。

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' RoundPenny
' Description:
'    rounds currency amount to nearest penny
' Arguments:
'    strCurrency        - string representation of currency value
' Dependencies:
' Notes:
' based on RoundNear found here:
' http://advisor.com/doc/08884
' History:
' 04/14/2005 - WSR : created
Function RoundPenny(ByVal strCurrency As String) As Currency

         Dim mnyDollars    As Variant
         Dim decCents      As Variant
         Dim decRight      As Variant
         Dim lngDecPos     As Long

1        On Error GoTo RoundPenny_Error

         ' find decimal point
2        lngDecPos = InStr(1, strCurrency, ".")

         ' if there is a decimal point
3        If lngDecPos > 0 Then

            ' take everything before decimal as dollars
4           mnyDollars = CCur(Mid(strCurrency, 1, lngDecPos - 1))

            ' get amount after decimal point and multiply by 100 so cents is before decimal point
5           decRight = CDec(CDec(Mid(strCurrency, lngDecPos)) / 0.01)

            ' get cents by getting integer portion
6           decCents = Int(decRight)

            ' get leftover
7           decRight = CDec(decRight - decCents)

            ' if leftover is equal to or above round threshold
8           If decRight >= 0.5 Then

9              RoundPenny = mnyDollars + ((decCents + 1) * 0.01)

            ' if leftover is less than round threshold
10          Else

11             RoundPenny = mnyDollars + (decCents * 0.01)

12          End If

         ' if there is no decimal point
13       Else

            ' return it
14          RoundPenny = CCur(strCurrency)

15       End If

16       Exit Function


17       Select Case Err.Number

            Case 6

18             Err.Raise vbObjectError + 334, c_strComponent & ".RoundPenny", "Number '" & strCurrency & "' is too big to represent as a currency value."

19          Case Else

20             DisplayError c_strComponent, "RoundPenny"

21       End Select

End Function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
VBA.Round(1.23342, 2) // will return 1.23


Function PennySplitR(amount As Double, Optional splitRange As Variant, Optional index As Integer = 0, Optional n As Integer = 0, Optional flip As Boolean = False) As Double
' This Excel function takes either a range or an index to calculate how to "evenly" split up dollar amounts
' when each split amount must be in pennies.  The amounts might vary by a penny but the total of all the
' splits will add up to the input amount.

' Splits a dollar amount up either over a range or by index
' Example for passing a range: set range $I$18:$K$21 to =PennySplitR($E$15,$I$18:$K$21) where $E$15 is the amount and $I$18:$K$21 is the range
'                              it is intended that the element calling this function will be in the range
' or to use an index and total items instead of a range: =PennySplitR($E$15,,index,N)
' The flip argument is to swap rows and columns in calculating the index for the element in the range.

' Thanks to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5559279/excel-cell-from-which-a-function-is-called for the application.caller.row hint.
Dim evenSplit As Double, spCols As Integer, spRows As Integer
If (index = 0 Or n = 0) Then
    spRows = splitRange.Rows.count
    spCols = splitRange.Columns.count
    n = spCols * spRows
    If (flip = False) Then
       index = (Application.Caller.Row - splitRange.Cells.Row) * spCols + Application.Caller.Column - splitRange.Cells.Column + 1
       index = (Application.Caller.Column - splitRange.Cells.Column) * spRows + Application.Caller.Row - splitRange.Cells.Row + 1
    End If
 End If
 If (n < 1) Then
    PennySplitR = 0
    evenSplit = amount / n
    If (index = 1) Then
            PennySplitR = Round(evenSplit, 2)
            PennySplitR = Round(evenSplit * index, 2) - Round(evenSplit * (index - 1), 2)
    End If
End If
End Function


Function RoundUp(Number As Variant)
   RoundUp = Int(-100 * Number) / -100
   If Round(Number, 2) = Number Then RoundUp = Number
End Function




Function RoundUp(Number As Variant, Optional RoundDownIfNegative As Boolean = False)
On Error GoTo err
If Number = 0 Then
    RoundUp = 0
ElseIf RoundDownIfNegative And Number < 0 Then
    RoundUp = -1 * Int(-100 * (-1 * Number)) / -100
    RoundUp = Int(-100 * Number) / -100
End If
If Round(Number, 2) = Number Then RoundUp = Number
End Function


Access 2003で常に次の整数に切り上げる簡単な方法を次に示します。

BillWt = IIf([Weight]-Int([Weight])=0,[Weight],Int([Weight])+1)


  • [重量] = 5.33; Int([Weight])= 5; 5.33-5 = 0.33(<!> lt; <!> gt; 0)、したがって、答えはBillWt = 5 + 1 = 6です。
  • [Weight] = 6.000、Int([Weight])= 6なので、6.000-6 = 0なので、答えはBillWt = 6です。
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